APS Storage Ring Alignment
This web page contains information related to Advanced Photon Source
(APS) Storage Ring (SR) alignment.
Alignment of the storage ring is important for reliable
operation. Storage ring magnets are situated on 200 girders that sit
on the concrete floor. Due to unavoidable ground motion, SR alignment
contantly changes. Some areas of the storage ring show some motion,
other areas almost do not move. SR alignment is measured regularly
approximately every two years.
APS usually has three one-month long shutdowns a year. During those
shutdowns, Survey and Alignment group (S&A) performs realignments of
areas of most concern. The extent of realignment varies every shutdown
due to other responsibilities of the S&A group. Recently, a plan was
put together that guides the realignment work.
Accelerator Operation and Physics (AOP) group maintains a database of survey measurements and a tool that allows to view, process, and compare survey measurements. The tool is accessible on linux via OAGapps program ("SR Alignment Data review" item under "SR Data Review" submenu).
SR realignment plan
Chronology of the SR realignment
Vadim V. Sajaev