creates a file of BPM acquisition control
bits from unsigned-long RAM data or from command line
parameters. There is an option to send the RAM data to EPICS,
introduced originally as a secondary feature. The separate bits of
data of the output file can then be used in the tcl/tk GUI MpBPMWaveformViewer for generating waveforms displays of the control
bits. It was later realized that this command tool with the EPICS
waveform writing is really useful in script-based experiments where one
or more aspect of the acquisition is modified in a systematic way.
The BPM acquisition is controlled by an array of 3888 32-bit unsigned long integers loaded in as an EPICS waveform controls. Four BPMs can be controlled for up to 3888 consecutive samples in a repeated fashion. The 32 bits control the plane, accumulator and ``use sample'' switches for each BPM, and other global control switches. The control bits are shown in Figure 1 and explained in further detail in [3].
The contents of the file controlRAM is converted to control bits file RAMcontrolBits.
sddsgencontrolbits controlRAM RAMcontrolBitswhere the contents of the 3888-row file controlRAM are
3 columns of data: NAME UNITS SYMBOL FORMAT TYPE FIELD DESCRIPTION LENGTH Index NULL NULL NULL long 0 NULL Waveform NULL NULL NULL ulong 0 NULLand the contents of the file RAMcontrolBits are mostly short-integer columns
10 columns of data: NAME UNITS SYMBOL FORMAT TYPE FIELD DESCRIPTION LENGTH Index NULL NULL NULL long 0 NULL PlaneSwitch NULL NULL NULL short 0 NULL Accumulator NULL NULL NULL short 0 NULL CommutationNegate NULL NULL NULL short 0 NULL CommutationSwitch NULL NULL NULL short 0 NULL Sample NULL NULL NULL short 0 NULL TurnMarker NULL NULL NULL short 0 NULL WrapMarker NULL NULL NULL short 0 NULL SaveSample NULL NULL NULL short 0 NULL SelfTest NULL NULL NULL short 0 NULLThis file RAMcontrolBits has two data pages, one page of 3888 rows for the RAM content array, and a second data page of 4096 rows to simulate what the FPGA transient recorder (i.e. ``scope'') would record. This data content is the same data as in the first page, but shifted by 2048 indices, and repeating in both directions to fill 4096 time slots. The second page seems to be superfluous, but it is needed to produce simulated waveforms in the GUI MpBPMWaveformViewer.
Presently the output only return data for one BPM at a time (PlaneSwitch,Accumulator, and Sample) by default the BPM in position 0 (from receiver positions 0,1,2,3). The column Accumulator is refered to in [3] as simply ``Plane''.
sddsgencontrolbits <inputRAMFile> <outputFile> [-setRAMWaveformPV=<string>] [-controlRAMFile=<filename>] [-receiver=0|1|2|3] sddsgencontrolbits {-RAMWaveformPV=<string> [-scopeArrayLength=<int>] | -scopeWaveformPV=<string> -turnsPerWrap=<int> [-RAMArrayLength=<string>] | -RAMWaveformPV=<string> -scopeWaveformPV=<string> } <outputFile> [-setRAMWaveformPV=<string>] [-controlRAMFile=<filename>] sddsgencontrolbits [-RAMArrayLength=<string>] [-scopeArrayLength=<int>] [-receiver=0|1|2|3] {-presetRAMconfiguration=<string>,file=<filename> | -planeMode=<string> -commutationMode=<string>] -sampleMode={single|continuous|bunchPattern=<string>} -bunchPatternFile=<filename> -samplesPerBunch=<int> -turnMarkerOffset=<int> -transitionDeadTime=<int> } [-P0Offset=<int>] [-receiver=0|1|2|3] [-setRAMWaveformPV=<string>] [-controlRAMFile=<filename>] Creates a file of RAM control bits. Optionally writes to a RAM acquisition control waveform. Each usage represent one of three ways to supply input data: 1) input file of RAM data, 2) RAM or scope readback waveform PV, or 3) RAM configuration parameters such as preset bunch pattern and others. <inputRAMFile> file containing the values of a RAM waveform record. The data is an array of unsigned long integer. -RAMWaveformPV RAM waveform PV name. -scopeWaveformPV digital scope waveform PV name. -RAMArrayLength the length of control RAM waveform PV needed for generating control bits from bunch pattern. -scopeArrayLength the length of digital scope waveform PV needed for generating control bits from bunch pattern. -turnsPerWrap number of turns in each wrap; "Simulated" scope readback control bits can normally be generated from RAM long integer data. However for the inverse generation the quantity turnsPerWrap is required. This option is required for the -scopeWaveformPV input method. -presetRAMconfiguration specifies a particular configuration from the file of RAM configuration presets. A preset configuration consists of Label, PlaneMode, CommutationMode, SampleMode, BunchPattern, SamplesPerBunch, TurnMarkerOffset, and TransitionDeadTime. The preset string value must match one of the values of Label of the preset file. The default file is /home/helios/oagData/sr/BPMcontrolRAM/presetPatterns. If this option is provided, then the planeMode, commutationMode and sampleMode options will be overridden. -planeMode the plane switch mode with values x, y, xy1, or xy2, which stands for x plane, y plane, switch x/y per turn, or switch x/y every two turns. (each turn has 324 time slots.) -commutationMode commutation switch mode with possible values of a, b, ab1, and ab2, which stands for 0 degree, 180 degrees, switch between 0 and 180 every turn, or switch between 0 and 180 every two turns. -sampleMode sample mode with values continuous, single or pattern. If "pattern" is selected, then the value of suboption bunchPattern must be given and must match up with a bunch pattern defined in the preset bunch pattern file. -bunchPatternFile file that contains the properties of preset bunch patterns. -transitionDeadTime dead time length in units of timing slots for which samples will not be taken. -turnMarkerOffset the offset of turn marker. The first turn marker starts from this offset, and the others are spaced 324 time steps. -samplesPerBunch number of consectuive samples to be collected per bunch. Presently it is the same for all bunches. -scopeTriggerIndex provides the offset between scope trigger and start of RAM array (which is normally set at 2048 by PV S42B:scope:gtr:numberPTS). The output options are the same in the three usages. <outputFile> file of the separated control bits of a RAM waveform record. Columns are Index, PlaneSwitch, CommutationSwitch, Sample, TurnMarker, P0Marker, WrapMarker, all short integers except for Index, which is long integer. The digital scope readback waveform record is simulated and is included as the second data page. -setRAMWaveformPV if provided, the control RAM long integer data will be written to this PV. Note that when used with -RAMWaveformPV input with the same PVs, the same values are read and wrtten to the same PV. -controlRAMFile if provided, the control RAM long integer data will be written to this file. -comment provide comments for saving the control RAM into controlRAMFile . -receiver provide the receiver number to select from the control RAM when creating the control bits file, which has room for only one set of flags. When setting RAM all receivers have the same flags. Program by H. Shang, ANL (EPICS, Mar 26 2007).