description:sddscliptails removes the tails from functions, where a tail is a dubious feature
extending to the left or right of a peak.
Remove tails from profiles of beam spots after baseline removal and prior to determining
rms spot properties. This command clips the tails when the function falls to 1% of
its peak value.
files:input is an SDDS file containing one or more pages of data to be processed.
output is an SDDS file in which the result is placed. The output file will
generally have fewer rows than the input file, corresponding the the number of
rows clipped.
-pipe=[input][,output] -- The standard SDDS Toolkit pipe option.
-columns=listOfNames -- Specifies an optionally-wildcarded list
of names of columns from which to remove tails.
-fractional=value -- Clip a tail if it falls below this fraction of the peak
value of the column.
-absolute=value -- Clip a tail if it falls below this absolute value. This
value might correspond, say, to a known noise level.
-fwhm=multiplier -- Clip a tail if it is beyond multiplier times
the full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) from the peak of the column.
-afterzero[=bufferWidth] -- Clip a tail if it is separated from the
peak by values equal to zero.
If bufferWidth is specified, then a region bufferWidth wide is kept
on either side of the peak, if possible.