description:sddsexpfit does exponential fits to a single column of an SDDS file as a function of another column (the independent
variable). The fitting function is
where x is the independent variable, C is the constant term, F is the factor, and R is the rate.
Fit an exponential decay to vacuum pressure versus time during a pumpdown:
files:inputFile contains the columns of data to be fit. If inputFile contains multiple
pages, each page of data is fit separately. outputFile has columns containing the
independent variable data and the corresponding values of the fit. The name of the latter
column is constructed by appending the string Fit to the name of the dependent variable.
In addition, if -fullOutput is given, outputFile includes a column with the dependent values and
the residual (dependent values minus fit values). The name of the residual column is
constructed by appending the string Residual to the name of the dependent variable. outputFile contains four parameters: expfitConstant, expfitFactor, expfitRate,
and expfitRmsResidual. The first three parameters are respectively C, F, and R from the above
equation. The last is the rms residual of the fit.
-pipe=[input][,output] -- The standard SDDS Toolkit pipe option.
-columns=xName,yName -- Specifies the names of the independent and dependent columns of data.
-tolerance=value -- Specifies how close sddsexpfit will attempt to come to the optimum fit,
in terms of the mean squared residual. The default is .
-clue={grows | decays} -- Helps sddsexpfit decide whether the data is a decaying or growing exponential,
i.e., whether R is negative or positive, respectively. If sddsexpfit is having trouble, this
will often help.
-guess=constant,factor,rate -- Gives sddsexpfit a stating point for each of the three fit parameters.
-fullOutput -- Specifies that outputFile will contain the original dependent variable
data and the fit residuals, in addition to the independent variable data and the fit values.
-verbosity=integer -- Specifies that informational printouts are desired during fitting. A larger
integer produces more output.