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Transverse wake specified as a function of time lag behind the particle.
Parameter Name Units Type Default Description
INPUTFILE   STRING NULL name of file giving Green functions
TCOLUMN   STRING NULL column in INPUTFILE containing time data
WXCOLUMN   STRING NULL column in INPUTFILE containing x Green function
WYCOLUMN   STRING NULL column in INPUTFILE containing y Green function
CHARGE $C$ double 0.0 beam charge (or use CHARGE element)
FACTOR $C$ double 1 factor to multiply wake by
N_BINS   long 128 number of bins for current histogram
INTERPOLATE   long 0 interpolate wake?
SMOOTHING   long 0 smooth current histogram?
SG_HALFWIDTH   long 4 Savitzky-Golay filter half-width for smoothing
SG_ORDER   long 1 Savitzky-Golay filter order for smoothing
DX $M$ double 0.0 misalignment
DY $M$ double 0.0 misalignmnet

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Michael Borland 2001-06-08