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A beam property/motion monitor-allowed modes are centroid, parameter, coordinate, and fft.
Parameter Name Units Type Default Description
FRACTION   double 1 fraction of particles to dump (coordinate mode)
INTERVAL   long 1 interval for data output (in turns)
START_PASS   long 0 pass on which to start
FILENAME   STRING   output filename
LABEL   STRING   output label
MODE   STRING coordinates coordinate, parameter, or centroid
X_DATA   long 1 include x data in coordinate mode?
Y_DATA   long 1 include y data in coordinate mode?
LONGIT_DATA   long 1 include longitudinal data in coordinate mode?
EXCLUDE_SLOPES   long 0 exclude slopes in coordinate mode?
FLUSH_INTERVAL   long 0 file flushing interval (parameter or centroid mode)

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Michael Borland 2001-06-08