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A simulation of a single-pass broad-band or functionally-specified transverse dipole impedance.
Parameter Name Units Type Default Description
CHARGE $C$ double 0.0 beam charge (or use CHARGE element)
BROAD_BAND   long 0 broad-band impedance?
RS $Ohm$ double 0.0 shunt impedance (Ra=2*Rs)
Q   double 0.0 cavity Q
FREQ $Hz$ double 0.0 frequency (BROAD_BAND=1)
INPUTFILE   STRING NULL name of file giving impedance (BROAD_BAND=0)
FREQCOLUMN   STRING NULL column in INPUTFILE containing frequency
ZXREAL   STRING NULL column in INPUTFILE containing real impedance for x plane
ZXIMAG   STRING NULL column in INPUTFILE containing imaginary impedance for x plane
ZYREAL   STRING NULL column in INPUTFILE containing real impedance for y plane
ZYIMAG   STRING NULL column in INPUTFILE containing imaginary impedance for y plane
BIN_SIZE $S$ double 0.0 bin size for current histogram (use 0 for autosize)
INTERPOLATE   long 0 interpolate wake?
N_BINS   long 128 number of bins for current histogram
SMOOTHING   long 0 smooth current histogram?
SG_ORDER   long 1 Savitzky-Golay filter order for smoothing
SG_HALFWIDTH   long 4 Savitzky-Golay filter halfwidth for smoothing
DX $M$ double 0.0 misalignment
DY $M$ double 0.0 misalignment

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Michael Borland 2001-06-08