&floor_coordinates STRING filename = NULL; double X0 = 0.0; double Z0 = 0.0; double theta0 = 0.0; long include_vertices = 0; long vertices_only = 0; long magnet_centers = 0; &end
-- The (incomplete) name of an SDDS file to send output to.
Recommended value: ``%s.flr''.
, Z0
, theta0
-- Initial X, Z, and angle coordinate of the
-- Flag that, if set, specifies including in the output
the coordinates of the vertices of bending magnets.
-- Flag that, if set, specifies that output will contain only
the coordinates of the vertices of bending magnets.
-- Flag that, if set, specifies that output will contain
the coordinates of the centers of all magnets. By default, the coordinates of the downstream
end are given.