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A numerically-integrated linearly-ramped electric field deflector.
Parameter Name Units Type Default Description
L $M$ double 0.0 length
RAMP_TIME $S$ double 1e-09 time to ramp to full strenth
TIME_OFFSET $S$ double 0.0 offset of ramp-start time
VOLTAGE $V$ double 0.0 maximum voltage between plates due to ramp
GAP $M$ double 0.01 gap between plates
STATIC_VOLTAGE $V$ double 0.0 static component of voltage
TILT $RAD$ double 0.0 rotation about longitudinal axis
ACCURACY   double 0.0001 integration accuracy
X_MAX $M$ double 0.0 x half-aperture
Y_MAX $M$ double 0.0 y half-aperture
DX $M$ double 0.0 misalignment
DY $M$ double 0.0 misalignment
PHASE_REFERENCE   long 0 phase reference number (to link with other time-dependent elements)
N_STEPS   long 100 number of steps (for nonadaptive integration)
METHOD   STRING runge-kutta integration method (runge-kutta, bulirsch-stoer, non-adaptive runge-kutta, modified midpoint)
FIDUCIAL   STRING t,median {t$\vert$p},{median$\vert$min$\vert$max$\vert$ave$\vert$first$\vert$light} (e.g., "t,median")

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Michael Borland 2001-06-08