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A combined horizontal-vertical steering magnet implemented as a matrix, up to 2nd order.
Parameter Name Units Type Default Description
L $M$ double 0.0 length
HKICK $RAD$ double 0.0 x kick angle
VKICK $RAD$ double 0.0 y kick angle
TILT $RAD$ double 0.0 rotation about longitudinal axis
B2 $1/M^{2}$ double 0.0 normalized sextupole strength (e.g., kick = KICK*(1+B2*x2))
HCALIBRATION   double 1 factor applied to obtain x kick
VCALIBRATION   double 1 factor applied to obtain y kick
EDGE_EFFECTS   long 0 include edge effects?
ORDER   long 0 matrix order
STEERING   long 1 use for steering?

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Michael Borland 2001-06-08