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A numerically-integrated solenoid specified as a map of (Bz, Br) vs (z, r).
Parameter Name Units Type Default Description
L $M$ double 0.0 length
DX $M$ double 0.0 misalignment
DY $M$ double 0.0 misalignment
N_STEPS   long 100 number of steps (for nonadaptive integration)
INPUTFILE   STRING NULL SDDS file containing (Br, Bz) vs (r, z). Each page should have values for a fixed r.
RCOLUMN   STRING NULL column containing r values
ZCOLUMN   STRING NULL column containing z values
BRCOLUMN   STRING NULL column containing Br values
BZCOLUMN   STRING NULL column containing Bz values
FACTOR   double 0.0001 factor by which to multiply fields
ACCURACY   double 0.0001 integration accuracy
METHOD   STRING runge-kutta integration method (runge-kutta, bulirsch-stoer, non-adaptive runge-kutta, modified midpoint)

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Michael Borland 2001-06-08