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A voltage-ramped RF cavity, implemented like RFCA. The voltage ramp pattern is given by a mpl-format file of the voltage factor vs time in seconds.
Parameter Name Units Type Default Description
L $M$ double 0.0 length
VOLT $V$ double 0.0 nominal voltage
PHASE $DEG$ double 0.0 nominal phase
FREQ $Hz$ double 500000000 nominal frequency
PHASE_REFERENCE   long 0 phase reference number (to link with other time-dependent elements)
VOLT_WAVEFORM   STRING NULL $<$filename$>$=$<$x$>$+$<$y$>$ form specification of input file giving voltage waveform factor vs time
PHASE_WAVEFORM   STRING NULL $<$filename$>$=$<$x$>$+$<$y$>$ form specification of input file giving phase offset vs time (requires FREQ_WAVEFORM)
FREQ_WAVEFORM   STRING NULL $<$filename$>$=$<$x$>$+$<$y$>$ form specification of input file giving frequency factor vs time (requires PHASE_WAVEFORM)
FIDUCIAL   STRING NULL mode for determining fiducial arrival time (light, tmean, first, pmaximum)

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Michael Borland 2001-06-08