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A simulation of a beam-driven TM monopole mode of a RF cavity.
Parameter Name Units Type Default Description
RA $Ohm$ double 0.0 shunt impedance
RS $Ohm$ double 0.0 shunt impedance (Ra=2*Rs)
Q   double 0.0 cavity Q
FREQ $Hz$ double 0.0 frequency
CHARGE $C$ double 0.0 beam charge (or use CHARGE element)
INITIAL_V $V$ double 0.0 initial voltage
INITIAL_PHASE $RAD$ double 0.0 initial phase
INITIAL_T $S$ double 0.0 time at which INITIAL_V and INITIAL_PHASE held
BETA   double 0.0 normalized load impedance
BIN_SIZE $S$ double 0.0 bin size for current histogram (use 0 for autosize)
N_BINS   long 20 number of bins for current histogram
PRELOAD   long 0 preload cavity with steady-state field
PRELOAD_FACTOR   double 1 multiply preloaded field by this value
RIGID_UNTIL_PASS   long 0 don't affect the beam until this pass
SAMPLE_INTERVAL   long 1 passes between output to RECORD file
RECORD   STRING NULL output file for cavity fields
SINGLE_PASS   long 0 if nonzero, don't accumulate field from pass to pass
PASS_INTERVAL   long 1 interval in passes at which to apply PASS_INTERVAL times the field (may increase speed)

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Michael Borland 2001-06-08