- description:
Allows loading fields from a previous spiffe run. The fields
are stored in a file created with the save_fields command.
- example:
filename = "fields.saved",
factor = 1.5;
This loads fields from the file fields.saved, applying a factor
of 1.5 to the values. These fields become the only time-varying
fields in the problem. (Others may be superimposed in subsequent
- synopsis and defaults:
#namelist load_fields
STRING filename = NULL;
double Ez_peak = 0;
double factor = 1;
double time_threshold = 0;
long overlay = 0;
- details:
- filename: Name of the file from which to take field
data. Normally created with the save_fields command.
The file is in SDDS-protocol, typically with multiple data pages.
Normally, the first page is used. This may be modified with
the time_threshold parameter.
- Ez_peak: Desired maximum value of on-axis longitudinal electric
field. The fields from the data file are scaled to obtain this value.
Note that this option cannot be used if TM fields are disabled.
By default, no scaling occurs.
- factor: Factor by which to multiply the fields before use.
If Ez_peak is 0, then this value is ignored. One of
factor or Ez_peak must be nonzero.
- time_threshold: Minimum simulation time, in seconds, at which
the fields may have been created in order to be used. For example,
if time_threshold is 1e-9, then spiffe will advance
through the pages of fields until it finds one from 1ps or more
(in simulation time) after the start of the simulation that created
the file filename.
- overlay: Normally, the time-varying fields in the simulation are
set equal to those in the file, within a scale factor. If you wish to
simply add the new fields to those already in force, then set overlay
to a nonzero value.