Listing of Statistics for Run2-2009 (Created Thu Aug 27 08:37:22 CDT 2009)
Total Amount of User Time in this interval 1671.95 Hours
User periods in this interval
05/27/2009 08:00  To  06/02/2009 08:00 144.00 Hours, Delivered Beam: 135.21 Hours,  2 Fault(s),  67.61 MTBF,  93.90% of Sched. Time
06/03/2009 08:00  To  06/09/2009 08:00 144.00 Hours, Delivered Beam: 137.30 Hours,  4 Fault(s),  34.33 MTBF,  95.35% of Sched. Time
06/10/2009 08:00  To  06/16/2009 08:00 144.00 Hours, Delivered Beam: 136.72 Hours,  6 Fault(s),  22.79 MTBF,  94.94% of Sched. Time
06/17/2009 08:00  To  06/22/2009 08:00 120.00 Hours, Delivered Beam: 113.32 Hours,  1 Fault(s), 113.32 MTBF,  94.43% of Sched. Time
06/24/2009 08:00  To  07/02/2009 08:00 192.00 Hours, Delivered Beam: 181.94 Hours,  4 Fault(s),  45.49 MTBF,  94.76% of Sched. Time
07/06/2009 08:00  To  07/14/2009 08:00 192.00 Hours, Delivered Beam: 192.00 Hours,  0 Fault(s), 192.00 MTBF, 100.00% of Sched. Time
07/15/2009 08:00  To  07/20/2009 08:00 120.00 Hours, Delivered Beam: 117.23 Hours,  2 Fault(s),  58.62 MTBF,  97.69% of Sched. Time
07/22/2009 08:00  To  07/28/2009 08:00 144.00 Hours, Delivered Beam: 144.00 Hours,  0 Fault(s), 144.00 MTBF, 100.00% of Sched. Time
07/29/2009 08:00  To  08/04/2009 08:00 144.00 Hours, Delivered Beam: 143.99 Hours,  0 Fault(s), 143.99 MTBF, 100.00% of Sched. Time
08/05/2009 08:00  To  08/11/2009 08:00 144.00 Hours, Delivered Beam: 144.00 Hours,  0 Fault(s), 144.00 MTBF, 100.00% of Sched. Time
08/12/2009 08:00  To  08/19/2009 24:00 184.00 Hours, Delivered Beam: 179.86 Hours,  2 Fault(s),  89.93 MTBF,  97.75% of Sched. Time
Delivered Beam                                  1625.56 Hours
Percentage of Scheduled Time                     97.23 %
Downtime During Period                           46.39 Hours
Percentage of scheduled time SR current > 10 ma  97.76 %
Average Delivered Current During This Period    100.35 mA
Total integrated  Current During This Period    163.13 A-hr
Mean Fill Duration in Period                     73.89 Hours
Mean Fill Duration from Poisson Fit             126.29 Hours
Mean Time Between Faults (MTBF)                  77.41 Hours
Faults per Day of Delivered Beam                  0.31
Total Number of Faults                           21
Scheduled Topup Time                            1296.00 Hours
                                                                         Length       Downtime is associated with the end of a fill.
 Valid fills Beginning in this Time Interval|        Reason for        |   of            The first fill of a period will have any
 Fill#  Start            End       Duration |     Fill Termination     | Downtime        downtime before the fill on the line above.
                                 (min: 1.0) |                          |
                                            |                          |  0.00 
#  1  05/27 08:00  To  05/29 03:53   43.89  | RF1 HV problem [Rf]      |  8.29 Multiple trips, repair
#  6  05/29 12:11  To  05/30 19:00   30.82  | RF1 Cathode Voltage [RF] |  0.49 Investiation, refill 
#  7  05/30 19:29  To  06/02 07:59   60.50  | Int Dump: End of Period  |  0.00  
                                            |                          |  0.00 
#  8  06/03 08:00  To  06/03 15:23    7.38  | RF Pwr Monitor trip[RF]  |  0.37 Investigation, refill
#  9  06/03 15:45  To  06/03 23:01    7.27  | Under investigation      |  0.22 Investigation, refill 
# 10  06/03 23:14  To  06/04 21:00   21.77  | S38A:S2:PS problem [PS]  |  5.69 Two more P.S. swapped, conditioning, refill 
# 11  06/05 02:42  To  06/06 09:06   30.40  | RF2 HVPS trip [RF]       |  0.42 Investigation, refill 
# 12  06/06 09:31  To  06/09 07:59   70.47  | Int Dump: End of Period  |  0.00  
                                            |                          |  0.00 
# 13  06/10 08:00  To  06/10 17:14    9.25  | SR RF4 Mod Anode [RF]    |  0.45 Reset & refill
# 14  06/10 17:41  To  06/10 19:42    2.01  | RF4 Mod Anode [RF]       |  0.63 Kystron heater temp raised, reset and refilled 
# 15  06/10 20:20  To  06/10 23:13    2.89  | Human error [AOP]        |  2.95 Switch to RF1 providing, AOP 1.15 hrs, RF 1.8 hour 
# 16  06/11 02:10  To  06/13 23:18   69.14  | RF2 Arcs, Crowbar [RF]   |  0.40 Investigation, refill 
# 17  06/13 23:42  To  06/14 09:13    9.51  | S6A:P1 noise [DIAG]      |  0.51 Under investigation 
# 18  06/14 09:43  To  06/14 23:38   13.91  | RF2 Arcs, Crowbar [RF]   |  2.35 Second trip, waveguide switch 
# 20  06/15 01:59  To  06/16 07:59   30.01  | Int Dump: End of Period  |  0.00  
                                            |                          |  0.00 
# 21  06/17 08:00  To  06/17 20:28   12.48  | S40 RF Cav. Vacuum [RF]  |  6.68 Blanked off waveguide to cav, RF3 trip [RF]
# 23  06/18 03:09  To  06/22 07:59  100.84  | Int Dump: End of Period  |  0.00  
                                            |                          |  0.00 
# 24  06/24 08:00  To  06/26 08:02   48.04  | 19BM PSS trip [SI]       |  0.66 Standardized, refilled
# 25  06/26 08:42  To  06/29 11:56   75.24  | RF3 Heater trip [RF]     |  1.22 Waveguide switch, refill 
# 26  06/29 13:09  To  06/30 01:18   12.15  | S9BPLD mod.failure[DIAG] |  6.34 2nd trip, LMPS module swap, validation 
# 28  06/30 07:39  To  06/30 15:49    8.16  | S9BPLD mod.failure[DIAG] |  1.83 Swapped BPLD module, validation, refill 
# 29  06/30 17:38  To  07/02 07:59   38.35  | Int Dump: End of Period  |  0.00  
                                            |                          |  0.00 
# 30  07/06 08:00  To  07/14 07:59  192.00  | Int Dump: End of Period  |  0.00 
                                            |                          |  0.00 
# 31  07/15 08:00  To  07/15 10:42    2.70  | Human Error [UES]        |  0.28 Reset EPS trip, stored beam
# 32  07/15 10:59  To  07/19 20:32  105.56  | S37 Sextupole trip[PS]   |  2.49 Swapped supply, PS group call-in, cable repair [PS] 
# 33  07/19 23:01  To  07/20 07:59    8.97  | Int Dump: End of Period  |  0.00  
                                            |                          |  0.00 
# 34  07/22 08:00  To  07/28 07:59  144.00  | Int Dump: End of Period  |  0.00 
                                            |                          |  0.00 
# 35  07/29 08:00  To  08/04 07:59  143.99  | Int Dump: End of Period  |  0.00 
                                            |                          |  0.00 
# 36  08/05 08:00  To  08/11 07:59  144.00  | Int Dump: End of Period  |  0.00 
                                            |                          |  0.00 
# 37  08/12 08:00  To  08/16 22:33  110.56  | Failed GESPAC [PS]       |  3.60 Replaced Interlock RR Gespac P.S., conditioned
# 38  08/17 02:09  To  08/17 21:24   19.25  | 33ID BPLD trip[UNKNOWN]  |  0.54 Investigation, refill 
# 39  08/17 21:56  To  08/19 23:59   50.05  | Int Dump: End of Period  |  0.00  

Top-Up Mode Statistics
Target Current Range +/- 2.0, Minimum Injector Downtime = 8.0 minutes

  Current in Range during Scheduled Topup Time   97.08 %
  Current in Range during Delivered Beam Time    99.55 %
  Injector Availability                          99.52 %

Period Beginning 05/27/2009 08:00
Current in Range                                 96.68 %
Injector Availability                            96.63 %
  Out of Range at:     05/30/2009 13:06:32 to 05/30/2009 17:36:00 : 269.47 minutes
    Injector downtime: 05/30/2009 13:01:36 to 05/30/2009 17:34:56 : 273.33 minutes

Period Beginning 06/03/2009 08:00
Current in Range                                 99.80 %
Injector Availability                            99.74 %
  Out of Range at:     06/07/2009 07:58:56 to 06/07/2009 08:15:44 :  16.80 minutes
    Injector downtime: 06/07/2009 07:54:00 to 06/07/2009 08:15:40 :  21.67 minutes

Period Beginning 06/10/2009 08:00
Current in Range                                 99.35 %
Injector Availability                            99.17 %
  Out of Range at:     06/10/2009 19:37:44 to 06/10/2009 19:42:40 :   4.93 minutes
    Injector downtime: 06/10/2009 19:29:44 to 06/10/2009 19:37:44 :   8.00 minutes (est)
  Out of Range at:     06/10/2009 23:12:48 to 06/10/2009 23:13:36 :   0.80 minutes
    Injector downtime: 06/10/2009 23:04:48 to 06/10/2009 23:12:48 :   8.00 minutes (est)
  Out of Range at:     06/14/2009 05:09:12 to 06/14/2009 05:56:24 :  47.20 minutes
    Injector downtime: 06/14/2009 05:04:16 to 06/14/2009 05:56:20 :  52.07 minutes

Period Beginning 06/17/2009 08:00
Current in Range                                100.00 %
Injector Availability                           100.00 %

Period Beginning 07/06/2009 08:00
Current in Range                                100.00 %
Injector Availability                           100.00 %

Period Beginning 07/15/2009 08:00
Current in Range                                100.00 %
Injector Availability                           100.00 %

Period Beginning 07/22/2009 08:00
Current in Range                                100.00 %
Injector Availability                           100.00 %

Period Beginning 07/29/2009 08:00
Current in Range                                100.00 %
Injector Availability                           100.00 %

Period Beginning 08/05/2009 08:00
Current in Range                                100.00 %
Injector Availability                           100.00 %