Machine Studies Schedule
Schedule for Run01-8, 2024
Tuesday, July 9 – Wednesday, July 10

Tuesday, July 09, 2024
Time Description Studiers SR Status/Notes
08:00-09:00 Prepare for SR Zone A access MCR No beam
09:00-13:00 Zone A access to adjust limit switches for 8ID-US MD Group AA mode
09:00-13:00 Zone A access to troubleshoot 6ID FE ion pump MOM-VAC Group AA mode
09:00-13:00 Download PSS code at 7ID and 12ID Phil McNamara No beam
09:00-10:00 Prepare for Linac access MCR No beam
09:30-12:00 Booster ramp testing with IETS support Fors, Calvey, et. al. Inj RF off / SR RF diode
10:00-10:30 Access Linac to remove water load MOM/MCR No beam
10:30-11:30 Recover Linac MCR No beam
11:30-13:00 Linac RF switch to K3-Down mode MCR No beam
13:00-14:30 Recover SR MCR No beam
13:00-17:00 Replace LFB cables and verify with 1 bunch stored Adam Brill No beam/Stored
15:00-17:00 Operator training MCR Limited Inj
19:00-21:00 Operator training MCR Limited Inj
21:00-24:00 Vacuum conditioning MCR Stored

Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Time Description Studiers SR Status/Notes
00:00-07:00 Vacuum conditioning MCR Stored
07:00-08:00 Prepare for User Operations MCR Limited Inj