EPICS TCL/TK Interface
Original author (et_wish) - Bob Daly
Updated by - Robert Soliday
Table of Contents
Argonne National Laboratory
Advanced Photon Source
1. Introduction
This document describes the tcl command (pv) and command operations (link, linkw, get, getw, put, putq, mon, umon, cmon, info, stat) which are used to interface with EPICS. This release of the CA extension has been tested with tcl releases 8.3 and 8.4. The reader of this document is assumed to be familiar with Tcl/Tk.
2. Loading CA extension
Start interactive use of the Tcl/Tk interpreter by typing:
package require ca
3. Command Syntax
The command syntax consists of three or more words, with the first three
words having the same meaning in each command. The words after the first
three words are dependent on the type of command issued. A command example
pv link {ai1 ai2 ai3} {IOC:ai1 IOC:ai2 IOC:ai3}
First word: the tcl pv command
Second word: the command operation i.e. link. Command operations
which communicate with an EPICS database can be either synchronous (blocking)
or asynchronous. A `w' suffix (i.e. linkw) makes the command operation
blocking. The final word in blocking command operations i.e. linkw, getw,
and putw is a timeout value. The timeout value is optional and defaults
to 10.0 sec.
Third word: the name or list of names of tcl variable(s) i.e. ai1
or {ai1 ai2 ai3}
Other words: depends on the operation i.e. for the link operation
the fourth word consists of a name or list of names of EPICS database process
variables i.e. {BEAM:turnOn KLY:modAnode}
Examples of all supported operations:
pv link {c0 ai1 ai2 ai3 ai4} {T:calc T:ai1 T:ai2 T:ai3 T:ai4}
pv unlink ai1
pv get c0
pv getw ai1 11.1
pv put ai1
pv putw ai2
pv putq ai3
pv info {c0 ai1 ai2 ai3 ai4} {state status severity time units}
pv stat ai1
pv mon {c0 ai3 ai4} {puts "I can execute a script for you"}
pv umon ai1
pv cmon ai1
4. pv Command Operations
link, linkw, unlink
pv link(w) tclVars iocVars <optional timeout>
Description: Establish a link at run-time between tcl variables
and process variables in existing IOC databases. The tcl variables are
automatically created during the operation. For string and enum process
variables, the tcl type created will be a string.(1)
For float and double process variable types, the tcl variable type created
is a double. For all other process variable types the tcl variable type
is integer. A tcl variable may be subsequently linked with a different
process variable (i.e. relinked). When relinked the old link is completely
removed. A tcl variable may also be unlinked.
0 successful
1 unsuccessful and error is described in tcl variable "errorCode"
Comments: The user must always check the state of the link
after link and linkw type commands, using either the `stat' or `info' command
types. The state must be `OK' (see stat and info type commands) before
further operations on the tcl or process variable(s) are made. When the
link(w) is first issued `state' is set to `IO'. If a link to a database
process variable is successful the state changes to `OK'. If the link was
unsuccessful the state will be something other than `IO" or `OK', i.e.
NC (Never Connected), LC (Lost Connection), RD (No Read Access), WR (No
Write Access). For blocking links, i.e. linkw, the state can be checked
immediately after the linkw command is issued. For non-blocking links,
i.e. link, the state may still be in the `IO' state after the link command
is issued and subsequently (asynchronously) change to another state. For
the non-blocking command it is up to the user code to wait until a `state'
transition or timeout has occurred. I recommend using blocking links because
of their coding simplicity.
Examples of correct forms of link(w), unlink
pv link ai1 IOC:beamVoltage
pv linkw {ai1 ao1 bi1} {IOC:beamCurrent IOC:outputCurrent IOC:beamStatus}
set varList{ai1 ao1 bi1}
set iocList {IOC:beamCurrent IOC:outputCurrent IOC:beamStatus}
pv linkw $varList $iocList
pv link $varList $iocList
if { [pv linkw ai1 IOC:beamVoltage] == 1} puts stdout $errorCode
pv unlink ai1
pv unlink $varList
get, getw
pv get(w) tclvars <optional timeout>
Description: Update the linked tcl variables to the current values
stored in the IOC databases.
0 successful
1 unsuccessful and error is described in tcl variable "errorCode"
Comments: The user should always check state of the link after get
and getw type commands using either the `stat' or `info' command types.
The state must be `OK'. Additionally the severity of the process variable
should be checked to, at least, make sure that it is not INVALID. I recommend
using the `stat' command type for checking.
Examples of correct forms of get(w):
set varList {ai1 ao1 bi1}
set iocList {IOC:beamCurrent IOC:outputCurrent IOC:beamStatus}
pv link $varList $iocList
pv get $varList
pv getw $varList
pv get {ai1 ao1}
pv getw {ao1 bi1}
pv get bi1
pv getw bi1
put, putw, putq
pv put(w,q) tclvars <optional timeout>
Description: Update the current process variable values stored in
the IOC databases to the linked tcl variable values. The put and putw types
require notification from the IOC that record processing has completed
for all the linked variables in the command. The putw blocks until all
notifications have been received. The putq returns to the application as
soon as the proper requests have been forwarded to the IOC. I recommend
using the putq type unless there is a compelling reason for wanting to
wait for record processing associated with a process variable to complete.
0 successful
1 unsuccessful and error is identified in tcl variable "errorCode"
Comments: User should always check state of the link after put,
putw, and putq type commands. The state must be `OK'. I recommend using
the `stat' command.
Examples of correct forms of put(w,q):
set varList {ai1 ao1 bi1}
set iocList {IOC:beamCurrent IOC:outputCurrent IOC:beamStatus}
pv link $varList $iocList
pv put ao1
pv putw ao1
pv putq ao1
pv put {ai1 ao1 bi1}
pv putw {ai1 ao1 bi1}
pv putq {ai1 ao1 bi1}
pv put $varList
pv putw $varList
pv putq $varList
mon, umon, cmon
pv mon tclVars <optional script>
pv umon tclVars <optional script>
pv cmon tclVars
Description: Establish/Clear an EPICS database monitor for the
linked tcl variable(s). The linked tcl variable is updated immediately
with umon. The use of umon is convenient when TK widgets are used
to display the value of a variable. However, with mon, the linked tcl variable
is updated only when the tcl variable is read. An optional tcl script,
when defined in the command, will be executed whenever a monitored event
is received from an IOC. Using the optional script, the user can implement
an completely event driven application.
0 successful
1 unsuccessful and error is identified in tcl variable "errorCode"
Examples of correct forms of mon umon, and cmon:
set varList {ai1 ao1 bi1}
set iocList {IOC:beamCurrent IOC:outputCurrent IOC:beamStatus}
pv link $varList $iocList
pv link {c0 ai1 ai2 ai3 ai4} {T:calc T:ai1 T:ai2 T:ai3 T:ai4}
pv mon $varList
pv mon $varList {puts "Print this every event"}
pv mon $varList tclProcedureName
pv umon ai1
pv umon ai1 {puts "Print this every event"}
pv mon ai1 tclProcedureName
pv mon {ai1 bi1}
pv mon {ai1 bi1} {puts "Print this every event"}
pv mon {ai1 bi1} tclProcedureName
pv cmon $varList
pv cmon ai1
pv cmon {ai1 bi1}
pv info tclVars requestedInfo
Description: Obtain information in the form of a list of lists about
linked tcl variables stored in the interface. Any or all of the following
information may be requested in any order. Information is available for:
state: of the communication link(2)
severity: as defined by EPICS
status: as defined by EPICS
time: from IOC process variable shown as 10/03/94 14:04:36.791566783
units: as defined in EPICS record
name: of linked IOC process variable
choices: for enum types
hopr: as defined by EPICS
lopr: as defined by EPICS
drvh: as defined by EPICS
drvl: as defined by EPICS
hihi: as defined by EPICS
hi: as defined by EPICS
lolo: as defined by EPICS
lo: as defined by EPICS
precision: as defined by EPICS
ioc: what IOC the process variable came from
access: read & write privileges
size: number of elements
a list with name tcl name followed by the information requested
if information is not available then a "__" is substituted for information
Examples of correct forms of info:
set varList {ai1 ao1 bi1}
set iocList {IOC:beamCurrent IOC:outputCurrent IOC:beamStatus}
pv link $varList $iocList
pv link {c0 ai1 ai2 ai3 ai4} {T:calc T:ai1 T:ai2 T:ai3 T:ai4}
pv getw $varList
pv info ai1 state
pv info ai1 {state ioc name units severity status}
pv info ai1 {units state name ioc}
pv info $varList {state severity status time}
pv info $varList severity
pv info {ai1 bi1} {name choices hopr lopr precision units lo lolo
ioc access}
pv stat tclVar associative_array_name
Description: Obtain state, status, severity, and time information
about a single process variable as elements (state, status, severity and
time) of an tcl associative array named in command. The array is created
if it doesn't exist.
0 successful Information is contained in the named tcl
associative array variable.
1 unsuccessful and error is identified in tcl variable "errorCode"
Comments: In tcl scripts `stat' provides a more convenient command type
than `info'.
Examples of correct forms of stat:
set varList {ai1 ao1 bi1}
set iocList {IOC:beamCurrent IOC:outputCurrent IOC:beamStatus}
pv link $varList $iocList
pv link {c0 ai1 ai2 ai3 ai4} {T:calc T:ai1 T:ai2 T:ai3 T:ai4}
pv getw $varList
pv stat ai1 arrayName1
pv stat bi1 arrayName2
pv stat ao1 arrayName3
set arrayName1(state)
set arrayName2(severity)
set arrayName3(status)
5. Variable Mapping : EPICS Native->TCL
string |
string |
enum( with string elements) |
enum string |
enum( no string elements defined) |
value string |
char |
long |
integer |
long |
long |
long |
float |
float |
double |
double |
6. Usage
There are typically only three steps needed to communicate with an EPICS
Establish a link between a tcl variable and a process variable (sometimes
called channel) and check that the link has been established OK. This operation
uses a link type and an info or stat type.
Either update the tcl variable to reflect the current value of the
process variable via a get type command or update the process
variable to reflect the value of the tcl variable via a put type
and check that the update has completed OK. This operation uses a get or
put type and a stat type.
In the case of the get type operation, insure that the data received from
the process variable is valid (i.e. not INVALID). This operation uses a
stat/info type.
The user must keep in mind that command types link, get, and put involve
transferring data over a network which means that the user must check that
the network operation has successfully completed. The return result (either
0 or 1) of these command types together with the stat/info command type
are used to insure that the operation was successful. In addition, when
the command type is a get the user must insure that the data is valid (the
network operation might have succeeded but the GPIB instrument timed out
during a GPIB read). The stat/info command type is also used to check the
validity of data.
The user must keep in mind that both the process variable in an
IOC and the tcl linked variable can change at any time and are only
synchronized only during a get or put type command.
Use of lists is encouraged in link, get, put and mon types to
improve the efficiency of the network communications.
Use of mon types is encouraged for process variables which change
infrequently (at least less frequently than referenced in script) and for
applications which are designed to be event driven.
When checking the state, status, severity, and time in scripts,
it is usually easier to use the stat command type. Info works well for
interactive use.
The put and putw command types require notification from the IOC
that the record has processed before completion. It is much better to rely
on readback process variables to ensure that a put operation has successfully
completed. With a readback available use of putq is preferred. The putq
does not require IOC notification before completing.
When using asynchronous forms of link, get and put, the application
must give the X-event loop time to process before each check on completion.
The tcl/tk event loop processes whenever user code is not running, or whenever
certain tck/tk command are issued as described in the tcl/tk documentation.
Otherwise, the application code will end up in an endless loop testing
for something (state, status, severity, time) that never gets updated.
In the script associated with monitors, THE SYNCHRONOUS COMMAND
TYPES LINKW, PUTW and GETW SHOULD NOT BE USED (this is a network software
limitation related to code reentrancy).
For ENUM database process variables which DO NOT have strings defined,
use of numbers is supported.
`state' is a two-character string, whose possible values are: NC->NeverConnected,
LC->LostConnection, RD->NoReadAccess, WR->NoWriteAccess, IO->I/OinProgress,