performs ramping of process variables between
the present state and the states in one or more SDDS files.
ramp 50% of the way to a new steering configuration, using 10
steps and pausing 1 second between steps:
sddscaramp -rampTo=steering.snap,steps=10,pause=1,percentage=50The file
contains corrector magnet power supply
settings, such as might be saved to an SDDS file using the
sddscaramp -rampTo=<filename>,steps=<number>,pause=<seconds>[,percentage=<value>] [-rampTo ...] [-dataColumn=<name>] [-verbose]
The input files are SDDS files. There must be a string column named
ControlName, Device, or DeviceName that contains the
process variable names. There must also be a string column named ValueString, a numerical column named Value, or a column of
either type with the name specified by the -dataColumn
this column contains the final value for the corresponding process
When data is supplied in a string column, sddscaramp needs a way to determine if the data value is actually a number rather than a literal string value (e.g., an enumerated value). The optional IsNumerical column can be used for this purpose. If supplied, this column should contain character values y or n, indicating that each PV (respectively) does or does not have numerical values. If the IsNumerical column does not exist or is not of character type, then sddscaramp uses an internal algorithm to decide whether the data for each PV is numerical or not. This may fail in the case of enumerated values that contain numbers, resulting in incorrectly restored values. For reliable results, the use of IsNumerical with string data is required. If the data is in a numerical column to begin with, of course, there is no ambiguity.