is an alternative version of casave and carestore. sddscasr is
more efficient and has more features than casave/carestore. It can also replace
burtrb/burtwb for saving and restoring configurations.
sddscasr SR.req SR.snapshot -save -pendIOTime=100Restore a snapshot:
sddscasr snapshot -restore -pendIOTime=100save snapshot with daemon mode, the output file in following command is out1-<current date and time>. Whenever the value of casavePV (oag:casave) is changed to 1, a new saving starts and data is written to a new output file with rootname of out1. (var1 is the input file contains PVs to be read)
sddscasr var1 out1 -runControlPV=string=oag:ControlLawRC -runControlDesc=string=test -daemon -daily -save -pidFile=pidFile -casavePV=oag:casave -logFile=logFile &
usage: sddscasr <inputfile> <outputRoot> [-verbose] [-daemon] [-dailyFiles] [-semaphore=<filename>] [-save] [-restore] [-logFile=<filename>] [-runControlPV={string=<string>|parameter=<string>},pingTimeout=<value>,pingInterval=<value>] [-runControlDescription={string=<string>|parameter=<string>}] [-unique] [-outputFilePV=<pvname>] [-pidFile=<pidFile>] [-casavePV=<string>] [-interval=<seconds>] [-pipe=[input|output]] [-numerical] [-waveform=[rootname=<string>][,directory=<string>]] [-outputFilePV=<pvname>] [-casavePV=<string>]
The input file is an SDDS file with a string column. For saving snapshot, the input file contains at least one string column - ControlName. For restoring snapshot, the input file contains at least two strin columns - ControlName and ValueString, where ValueString is the value of the PVs to be restored.
The output file only exists for saving snapshot. The output file contains everything in the input file, except that the ValueString column (if the input file has ValueString column) is update. And three more columns are created if they do not exist in the input file and their values are updated.