performs simple feedback on process variables.
The input file defines a gain matrix in a simple control law equation. The set of process variables for
measurement are given by the names of the numerical data columns, and the set
of process variables for control are given by a string column. By default,
the feedback tries to regulate the values of the measurement to zero.
The output file is a log of all process variables during the feedback.
For robustness, a file of tests for a set of process variables may be defined
so that the feedback may be suspended when any tests fail.
sddscontrollaw LTP.InvR12 LTPfeedback.out -interval=5 -steps=3600 \ -gain=0.75 -warningwhere the contents of the file
SDDS1 &column name = "CorrectorNames", type = "string", &end ! LTP:PH* are readbacks of beam position monitors &column name = "LTP:PH1", type = "double", &end &column name = "LTP:PH2", type = "double", &end &column name = "LTP:PH3", type = "double", &end &column name = "LTP:PH4", type = "double", &end &data mode = ascii, &end ! LTP:H[124] are dipole steering magnets. LTP:H1 1.45e-01 7.95e-02 1.84e-01 -3.70e-02 LTP:H2 0.00e-00 2.12e-01 3.34e-01 8.39e-02 ! Sled timing controls the linac energy. L5:SledTiming 0.00e-00 0.00e-00 8.25e-03 9.45e-03 LTP:H4 0.00e-00 0.00e-00 -9.81e-03 1.44e-01
usage: sddscontrollaw <inputfile> [-searchPath=<dir-path>] [-actuatorColumn=<string>] [<outputfile>] [-infiniteLoop] [-pendIOTime] [-generations[=digits=<integer>][,delimiter=<string>][,rowlimit=<number>][,timelimit=<secs>] | -dailyFiles] [-controlQuantityDefinition=<file>] [-gain={<real-value>|PVname=<name>}] [-interval={<real-value>|PVname=<name>}] [-steps=<integer=value>] [-updateInterval=<integer=value>] [{-integration | -proportional}] [-holdPresentValues] [-offsets=<offsetFile>] [-PVOffsets=<filename>] [-average={<number>|PVname=<name>}[,interval=<seconds>]] [-despike[=neighbors=<integer>][,passes=<integer>][,averageOf=<integer>][,threshold=<value>][,pvthreshold=<pvname][,file=<filename>][,countLimit=<integer>][,startThreshold=<value>,endThreshold=<value>,stepsThreshold=<integer>][,rampThresholdPV=<string>]] [-deltaLimit={value=<value>|file=<filename>}] [-readbackLimit={value=<value>|minValue=<value>,maxValue=<value>|file=<filename>}] [-actionLimit={value=<value>|file=<filename>}] [-testValues=<SDDSfile>] [-statistics=<filename>[,mode=<full|brief>]] [-auxiliaryOutput=matrixFile=<file>,controlQuantityDefinition=<file>, filterFile=<file>],controlLogFile=<file>[,mode=<integral|propotional>] [-runControlPV={string=<string>|parameter=<string>},pingTimeout=<value> [-runControlDescription={string=<string>|parameter=<string>}] [-launcherPV=<pvname>] [-verbose] [-dryRun] [-warning] [-servermode=pid=<file>,command=<file>] [-controlLogFile=<file>] [-glitchLogFile=file=<string>,[readbackRmsThreshold=<value>][,controlRmsThreshold=<value>][,rows=<integer]] [-CASecurityTest] [-waveforms=<filename>,<type>] Perform simple feedback on APS control system process variables using ezca calls.
The input file is an SDDS file with a string column and at least one numerical column.
The first string column encountered gives the list of
control process variables, the other string columns being ignored.
The names of the numerical columns are the measurement process variables.
The numerical data columns form a matrix which will be used in a simple
control-law equation such as
(1) |
(2) |
An optional control
quantity definition file may be specified. This file allows one to use
names in the matrix input file that are not really process variables,
but more simplified and descriptive names. This situation can occur
if the matrix file is obtained from postprocessing of
output data, a common way to generate
the correction matrix empirically. The control quantity definition
file is a cross-reference file which sddscontrollaw
uses to
match the input file names to real PV names. Two columns are
To make sddscontrollaw
more robust, one can implement tests on any process variable,
not necessarily those involved in the feedback itself. If any of the tests fail, then the
feedback is suspended until the test suceeds. The test consist of checking whether a process
variable is within a specified range or not. The testValues
file has three required columns and
one optional one:
The output file contains one data column for each process variables defined in the input file. By default, the data type is float (single precision). One row is written at every time step.
Two time columns and a step column are defined:
There are two parameters defined:
(3) |
(4) |