sddscongen example.sdds -xRange=-1,1,101 -yRange=-1,1,101
-zEquation="x x * y y * + 4 * pi * sin"
sddscontour example.sdds -shade example.sdds -equalAspect
sddscontour SDDSfilename switches
[-quantity=columnName | -equation=rpnExpression | -columnMatch=indepColumnName,matchingExpression | -waterfall=parameter=<parameter>,independentColumn=<xColumn>, colorColumn=<colorColumn>[,scroll=vertical|horizontal]] -xyz=xColumnName,yColumnName,zColumnName
In the case of the first two choices, the file must contain tabular data with at least one numeric column, which will be organized into a 2d array with R rows and C columns. By default, the values are assumed to come in row-major order (i.e., the file should contain a series of R sequences each containing the C values of a single row). The parameters of the 2d grid over which the plot is to be made are communicated to the program in one of two ways:
[-rpnDefinitionsFiles=filename[,filename...]] [-rpnExpressions=setupExpression[,setupExpression...]]
{-shade=number[,min,max,gray] | -contours=number[,min,max]} [-labelContours=interval[,offset]]
[-interpolate=nx,ny[,floor | ceiling | antiripple]] [-filter=xcutoff,ycutoff]
[-xLabel=string|@<parameter-name>] [-yLabel=string|@<parameter-name>] [-title=string|@<parameter-name>|file[,edit=<string>]] [-topline=string|@<parameter-name>|file[,edit=<string>]] [-topTitle] [-noLabels] [-noScales] [-dateStamp]
[-xrange=mimum=value|@parameterName,maximum=value|@parameterName] [-yrange=mimum=value|@parameterName,maximum=value|@parameterName] [-xaxis=scaleValue=<value>|scaleParameter=<name> [,offsetValue=<number>|offsetParameter=<name>] [-yaxis=scaleValue=<value>|scaleParameter=<name> [,offsetValue=<number>|offsetParameter=<name>]
For example, origin1, delta1, max_ext1, origin2, delta2 and max_ext2 are the parameters in sddscontour.input1 file, origin1, delta1 and max_ext1 represent the minimum, delta and maximum values of x coordinate, origin2, delta2, and max_ext2 represents the minimum, delta and maximum values of y coordinate. The Index column represents the index of x coordinate, i.e. value of x=Index * delta1 + origin1; The Ex_n column represents the Ex field at nth y value, where y=(n-1)*delta2 + origin2. If no -xrange and -yrange provided as in following command, the actual value of x and y will not be shown in the plot. (click the show_plot button will show you the corresponding plot.)
sddscontour sddscontour.input1 -columnMatch=Index,Ex* -ystring=sparse=10 -ylabel=y -shade show_plot
We can use -ystring to remove the string part of y label as following:
sddscontour sddscontour.input1 -columnMatch=Index,Ex* -ystring=sparse=10,edit=%/Ex_// -ylabel=y -shade show_plot
The above y tick label still shows the index of y coordinate, not y values. Following command allows us to see the y values:
sddscontour sddscontour.input1 -columnMatch=Index,Ex* -yrange=minimum=@origin2,maximum=@max_ext2 -ylabel=y -shade show_plot
Now, for the x tick labels, the above plot shows the Index value. Following command will show the values of x coordinate:
sddscontour sddscontour.input1 -column=Index,Ex* -yrange=min=@origin2,max=@max_ext2 -xrange=min=@origin1,max=@max_ext1 -xlabel=x -ylabel=y -shade show_plot
The independent column - Index in the above command is useless. Therefore, -xrange provides a way for plotting a set of columns with contour without indepent column. If use sddsprocess to create x column through x=Index * delta1 + origin1, the above plot can be created using following command, note that the titles in two plots are different because the independent column names are different since the title is automatically generated from input column names if it is not provided.
sddscontour sddscontour.input1 -column=x,Ex* -yrange=min=@origin2,max=@max_ext2 -ylabel=y -shade show_plot
Here shows the examples of providing xrange and yrange from parameters, however, they can be provided by fixed values from commandline also.
[-deltas[={fractional | normalize}]] [-logscale[=floor]]
[-scales=xl,xh,yl,yh] [-swapxy] [-equalAspect[=-1,1]] [-noBorder] [-layout=nx,ny] [-ticksettings=xytime] [-nocolorbar] [-drawLine={x0value=value | p0value=value | x0parameter=name | p0parameter=name}, {x1value=value | p1value=value | x1parameter=name | p1parameter=name}, {y0value=value | q0value=value | y0parameter=name | q0parameter=name}, {y1value=value | q1value=value | y1parameter=name | q1parameter=name}]
[-device=name[,deviceArguments]] [-output=filename] [-verbosity[=level]]