sddssampledist gaussian.sdds samples.sdds -samples=100 -columns=indep=z,df=G,output=zSample,factor=10,offset=5
sddssampledist [input] [output] [-pipe=[in][,out]] -columns=independentVariable=name,cdf=CDFName | df=DFName [,output=name][,units=string][,factor=value] [,offset=value][,datafile=filename] [,haltonRadix=primeNumber[,randomize[,group=groupID]]] [-columns=...] [-samples=integer] [-seed=integer]
input is the default input file for distribution functions (DFs) and cumulative distribution functions (CDFs). input need not be given if all -column options give the datafile qualifier.
output contains the samples. The names of the sampled data are by default the same as the names of the independent variable from the -column options. These names may be changed by the output qualifier of that option.