description: sddssortcolumn rearrage the columns of the input file in a specified order.
sddssortcolumn [SDDSinput] [SDDSoutput] [-pipe=[input][,output] [-sortList=<listof columns in order>] [-decreasing] [-bpmOrder][-sortWith=<filename>,column=<string>]
files: inputFile is an SDDS file whose columns will be rearranges. The outputFile argument is
optional. If it is not given, and if an output pipe is not selected, then the input file will be
-sortList=<column1>,<column2>,.... — specifiy the order of column names in a list.
-pipe=[input][,output] –pipe flages.
-sortWith=<filename>,column=<string> — sort the columns of input by the order in
the column of ¡filename¿ provided by sortWith option. It overwrites other sorting order.
-bpmOrder — sort the columns by the assumed bpm position in storage ring.
-decreasing — sort the columns in decreasing order, default is increasing.