[1] M.S. Zisman, S. Chattopadhyay, and J.J. Bisognano, “ZAP User’s Guide,” LBL 21270, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, December 1986.
[2] B. Zotter, “BBI - A Program to Compute Bunch Beam Instabilities in High Energy Particle Accelerators and Storage Rings,” CERN LEP/TH 89-74, CERN, 1989.
[3] J. Hagel and B. Zotter, “PC-BBI, a Program to Compute Bunch Beam Instabilities on a PC,” CERN SL-AP 90-62, CERN, 1990.
[4] K. Thompson and R. Ruth, “Transverse and Longitudinal Coupled Bunch Instabilities in Trains of Closely Spaced Bunches,” in Proceedings of the 1989 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, p. 792, 1989.