3.1 ringParameters
- type: Setup command.
- function: Set basic ring parameters necessary to calculate synchrotron frequency, bunch
length, and so on. Once the namelist is processed and written to the standard output file, a
list of dependent quantities used in the growth rate calculations are written to the standard
output file.
STRING twissFile = NULL;
double energyGeV = 0.0
double circumference = 0.0
double energyLossPerTurnMeV = 0.0
double rfVoltageMV = 0.0
long harmonicNumber = 1
double momentumCompaction = 0.0
double relativeEnergySpread = 0.0
double bunchLengtheningFactor = 1.0
STRING bunchLengthTableFile = NULL;
STRING bunchLengthUsedFile = NULL;
double longDampingTime = 0.0
double transDampingTime = 0.0
double horizontalTune = 0
double verticalTune = 0
double betaxAtRFCavities = 0
double betayAtRFCavities = 0
STRING parameters = NULL;
- twissFile — If not blank, then parameters of the lattice are taken from the named file,
which is assumed to be an elegant Twiss output file. You must turn on the radiation-integral
calculation in elegant or clinchor will complain of missing data. The data taken from the
file are energy, circumference, energy loss per turn, momentum compaction, relative energy
spread, damping times, tunes, and beta functions at the cavities. For the last item, clinchor
looks for elements of type RFCA and RFCW. It averages the beta functions over all elements
found. If you wish to override the values in the file, simply give a nonzero value to the
appropriate namelist variable.
- energyGeV — Energy of the stored beam in units of GeV.
- circumference — Circumference of the storage ring in meters. Used to calculate revolution
frequency f0.
- energyLossPerTurnMeV — Energy loss per turn in units of MeV.
- rfVoltageMV — Peak RF voltage in unit of MV of cavities in ring.
- harmonicNumber — Ratio between external RF frequency fRF and the revolution frequency
f0 . Used to determine fRF .
- momentumCompaction — Momentum compaction factor. Used to determine unperturbed
bunch length.
- relativeEnergySpread — Relative energy spread. Used to determine unperturbed bunch
- bunchLengtheningFactor — Ratio of expected bunch length and unperturbed bunch length,
which might be obtained from a separate potential well calculation. This quantity doesn’t
affect the calculation coherent synchrotron frequency. The bunch lengthening factor appears
only in the bunch form factor in the effective HOM impedance expression. This bunch length
applies to all bunches in the calculation irrespective of the charge they contain.
- bunchLengthTableFile — Input file of bunch length in units of seconds as a function of
charge to be used for individual bunches in the calculation. This bunch length is used as
form factor to reduce the wake fields for a given resonator. This should be used instead of
bunchLengtheningFactor when possible.
- bunchLengthUsedFile — Output file of bunch lengths for each bunch defined in the
calculation. Columns are bucket number, bunch current and bunch length. There will
be one row entry for every bucket filled. The output files is created only when the file
bunchLengthTableFile is specified. Recommended value is “%s.bl” where the “%s” is
replaced with the root name of the command file.
- longDampingTime, transDampingTime — Coherent damping time constants in seconds for
the motions in the longitudinal and transverse planes. If one doesn’t know the coherent
damping times, one may use the synchrotron radiation damping times, which are longer.
Damping rates are calculated from the damping times, and are simply added to the CBM
growth rates to give the final growth rates. When doing Monte Carlo studies, I prefer
to ignore the damping rates by making them explicitly zero in the namelist by setting
longDampingTime, and transDampingTime to zero.
- horizontalTune, verticalTune — Tunes of the stored beam. Values are required if
command doTransverseMotion is used.
- betaxAtRFCavities, betayAtRFCavities — Beta functions at the RF cavities. Values are
required if command doTransverseMotion is used. The transverse growth rates will scale with
one of the two values, depending on which direction is specified in the doTransverseMotion
- parameters — Output file containing above parameters plus some calculated ones.