3.5 bunchTrain
- type: Setup command.
- function: This command defines a train of equally spaced bunches of equal charge.
long startBucket = 0
long bucketInterval = 1
long bunches = 1
double currentPerBucketMA = 0.0
double totalCurrentMA = 0.0
long clearPreviousPatterns = 0
- startBucket — Bucket number of the first bunch in the bunch train.
- bucketInterval — Bunch spacing interval for a train of equally spaced train of bunches.
The number of empty buckets in between the bunches is bucketInterval-1.
- bunches — Number of bunches in the train.
- currentPerBucketMA — Current in mA for each bunch defined.
- totalCurrentMA — Total current of all bunches defined in this command. Used to determine
the current of individual bunches. Either variables currentPerBucketMA or totalCurrentMA
may be defined. If both are present, variable currentPerBucketMA takes precedence.
- clearPreviousPatterns — If this flag is set to 1, then bunch patterns defined in all previous
bunch defining commands are cleared before creating the bunches of this namelist command.