3.10 randomizeHOMFrequencies
- type: Setup command
- function: Sets up a Monte Carlo simulation of randomized HOM frequencies for all HOMs.
The setup takes effect only when an action command is executed.
double spread = 0.0
long seed = -987654321
long uniform = 1
long samples = 100
STRING CBMFrequencyFilename = NULL
STRING HOMFrequencyFilename = NULL
- spread — The range of the random component of the frequency values is -spread to spread
in Hz. If spread is set to zero or left undefined, then spread = f0 where f0 is the revolution
- seed — A large negative number for the random number generator. This will use an
independent generator from the bunch population randomizer.
- uniform — If flag is set to 1, then a uniform distribution for the random component of the
HOM frequencies is used. Since no other random distribution type is available in this present
version of clinchor using other values of uniform makes no difference.
- samples — Gives the number of times a following action command ( doLongitudinalMotion
or doTransverseMotion)is executed with a different sampling of random HOM frequencies
for each calculation.
- CBMFrequencyFilename — File containing the growth rate value of the fastest growing mode
in each Monte Carlo sample. This file can then be histogram med with the SDDS toolkit
program sddshist. Recommended naming conventions: <something>.CBMFreq
- HOMFrequencyFilename — SDDS file containing the randomized HOM frequencies used by
each Monte Carlo sample. Type “sddsquery <filename>” for the full description of the file.
This file may grow to be very large, so be careful with this option. This variable is optional.
Recommended naming conventions: <something>.HOMFreq