10.17 CLEAN—Cleans the beam by removing outlier particles.
Cleans the beam by removing outlier particles.
Parallel capable? : yes
GPU capable? : no
Back-tracking capable? : no
Parameter Name | Units | Type | Default | Description |
MODE | | STRING | stdeviation | stdeviation, absdeviation, or
absvalue |
XLIMIT | | double | 0.0 | Limit for x |
XPLIMIT | | double | 0.0 | Limit for x’ |
YLIMIT | | double | 0.0 | Limit for y |
YPLIMIT | | double | 0.0 | Limit for y’ |
TLIMIT | | double | 0.0 | Limit for t |
DELTALIMIT | | double | 0.0 | Limit for (p-p0)/p0 |
GROUP | | string | NULL | Optionally used to assign an
element to a group, with
a user-defined name. Group
names will appear in the
parameter output file in the
column ElementGroup |
The three options and their mode of operation are as follows:
- ABSDEV : compute the mean of the coordinate values, then compute absolute value of difference
between the mean and the coordinate value for each particle. If this absolute deviation exceeds
the user-specified limit, then the particle is removed. This could be used, for example, to
remove particles outside of 100ps of the mean arrival time.
- STDEVIATION: compute the mean and standard deviation of the coordinate values, then
compute the absolute value of difference between the mean and the coordinate value for each
particle, normalized by the standard deviation. If this value exceeds the user-specified limit,
then the particle is removed. This could be used, for example, to remove particles outside of
five sigma of the horizontal beam size from the centroid.
- ABSVALUE: compare the absolute value of the particle coordinate value to the user-specified
limit. If it exceeds this limit, then the particle is removed. This could be used, for example,
to remove particles with slopes that exceed 100 mrad.