One or more beam-driven TM dipole modes of an RF cavity, with data from a file.
Parallel capable? : yes
GPU capable? : no
Back-tracking capable? : no
Parameter Name | Units | Type | Default | Description |
FILENAME | STRING | NULL | input file |
BIN_SIZE | S | double | 0.0 | bin size for current histogram (use 0 for autosize) |
N_BINS | long | 20 | number of bins for current histogram |
RIGID_UNTIL_PASS | long | 0 | don’t affect the beam until this pass |
USE_SYMM_DATA | long | 0 | use ”Symm” columns from URMEL output file? |
DX | M | double | 0.0 | misalignment |
DY | M | double | 0.0 | misalignment |
XFACTOR | double | 1 | factor by which to multiply shunt impedances |
YFACTOR | double | 1 | factor by which to multiply shunt impedances |
CUTOFF | HZ | double | 0.0 | If >0, cutoff frequency. Modes above this frequency are ignored. |
OUTPUT_FILE | STRING | NULL | Output file for voltage in each mode. |
FLUSH_INTERVAL | long | 1 | Interval in passes at which to flush output data. |
RAMP_PASSES | long | 0 | Number of passes over which to linearly ramp up the impedance to full strength. |
RESET_FOR_EACH_STEP | long | 1 | If nonzero, voltage and phase are reset for each simulation step. |
LONG_RANGE_ONLY | long | 0 | If nonzero, induced voltage from present turn does not affect bunch. Short range wake should be included via WAKE or ZLONGIT element. |
N_CAVITIES | long | 1 | effect is multiplied by this number, simulating N identical cavities |
FTRFMODE continued
One or more beam-driven TM dipole modes of an RF cavity, with data from a file.
Parameter Name | Units | Type | Default | Description |
BUNCHED_BEAM_MODE | long | 1 | If non-zero, then do calculations bunch-by-bunch. |
GROUP | string | NULL | Optionally used to assign an element to a group, with a user-defined name. Group names will appear in the parameter output file in the column ElementGroup |
This element simulates a set of beam-driven dipole modes in a cavity using the fundamental theorem of beam loading and phasor rotation. It is similar to TRFMODE, but it allows faster simulation of more than one mode. Also, the mode data is specified in an SDDS file. This file can be generated using the APS version of URMEL, or by hand. It must have the following columns and units:
The file may also have the following columns:
In many simulations, a transient effect may occur when using this element because, in the context of the simulation, the impedance is switched on instantaneously. This can give a false indication of the threshold for instability. The RAMP_PASSES parameter should be used to prevent this by slowly ramping the impedance to full strength. This idea is from M. Blaskiewicz (BNL).
Normally, the field dumped in the cavity by one particle affects trailing particles in the same turn. However, if one is also using a TRWAKE or ZTRANSVSE element to simulate the short-range wake of the cavity, this would be double-counting. In that case, one can use LONG_RANGE_ONLY=1 to suppress the same-turn effects of the RFMODE element.