Long-range (inter-bunch and inter-turn) longitudinal and transverse wake
Parallel capable? : yes
GPU capable? : no
Back-tracking capable? : no
Parameter Name | Units | Type | Default | Description |
INPUTFILE | STRING | NULL | name of file giving Green function |
TCOLUMN | STRING | NULL | column in INPUTFILE containing time data |
WXCOLUMN | STRING | NULL | column in INPUTFILE containing horizontal dipole Green function |
WYCOLUMN | STRING | NULL | column in INPUTFILE containing vertical dipole Green function |
WZCOLUMN | STRING | NULL | column in INPUTFILE containing longitudinal Green function |
QXCOLUMN | STRING | NULL | column in INPUTFILE containing horizontal quadrupole Green function |
QYCOLUMN | STRING | NULL | column in INPUTFILE containing vertical quadrupole Green function |
FACTOR | double | 1 | factor by which to multiply wakes |
XFACTOR | double | 1 | factor by which to multiply horizontal dipole wake |
YFACTOR | double | 1 | factor by which to multiply vertical dipole wake |
ZFACTOR | double | 1 | factor by which to multiply longitudinal dipole wake |
QXFACTOR | double | 1 | factor by which to multiply horizontal quadrupole wake |
QYFACTOR | double | 1 | factor by which to multiply vertical quadrupole wake |
TURNS_TO_KEEP | long | 128 | number of turns of data to retain |
RAMP_PASSES | long | 0 | Number of passes over which to linearly ramp up the wake to full strength. |
LRWAKE continued
Long-range (inter-bunch and inter-turn) longitudinal and transverse wake
Parameter Name | Units | Type | Default | Description |
GROUP | string | NULL | Optionally used to assign an element to a group, with a user-defined name. Group names will appear in the parameter output file in the column ElementGroup |
This element provides serial and parallel modeling of long range, multi-bunch, multi-pass, non-resonant wakes. Resonant wakes can be modeled using the *RFMODE elements, while short-range wakes are modeled with WAKE, TRWAKE, ZLONGIT, ZTRANSVERSE, and RFCW.
For the LRWAKE element, the beam is assumed to be bunched and wakes are computed bunch-to-bunch. The long-range wake is assumed to be constant within any single bunch.
To use this element, the beam has to be prepared in a special way so that elegant can recognize which particles belong to which bunches. See Section 6 for details. Given a properly prepared beam, the algorithm works as follows.
| (67) |
A positive value decelerates the particle. For the horizontal dipole wake we have
| (68) |
with the vertical wake being similar. In both cases, a positive value deflects the particle toward positive x or y for a positive offset of the driving particle.
| (69) |
where xp is the coordinate of the probe particle. The vertical wake is similar.
To use LRWAKE, the user provides the wakes (functions of t) in an SDDS file. These wakes may extend over an arbitrary number of turns, with the user declaring how many turns to actually use as part of the element definition. However, they should be zero within the region occupied by a single bunch, to avoid double-counting with the true short-range wake. (Note that the above sums include the self-wake.) Similarly, the short-range should be zero for times comparable to the bunch spacing.
Note that the quadrupole wakes are in some cases related to the dipole wakes by constant numerical factors [48]. In such a case, one may name the same column for QXCOLUMN (QYCOLUMN) and WXCOLUMN (WYCOLUMN) and then specify QXFACTOR (QYFACTOR) appropriately.