10.82 RAMPP—A momentum-ramping element that changes the central momentum according to an SDDS-format file of the momentum factor vs time in seconds.

A momentum-ramping element that changes the central momentum according to an SDDS-format file of the momentum factor vs time in seconds.
Parallel capable? : yes
GPU capable? : no
Back-tracking capable? : no

Parameter NameUnitsType Default



<filename>=<x>+<y> form specification of input file giving momentum factor vs time


Optionally used to assign an element to a group, with a user-defined name. Group names will appear in the parameter output file in the column ElementGroup

Explanation of <filename>=<x>+<y> format: Several elements in elegant make use of data from external files to provide input waveforms. The external files are SDDS files, which may have many columns. In order to provide a convenient way to specify both the filename and the columns to use, we frequently employ <filename>=<x>+<y> format for the parameter value. For example, if the parameter value is waveform.sdds=t+A, then it means that columns t and A will be taken from file waveform.sdds. The first column is always the independent variable (e.g., time, position, or frequency), while the second column is the dependent quantity.