10.89 RFCA—An rf cavity with exact phase dependence, first order in transverse coordinates.

An rf cavity with exact phase dependence, first order in transverse coordinates.
Parallel capable? : yes
GPU capable? : yes
Back-tracking capable? : yes

Parameter Name UnitsType Default


L M double 0.0


VOLT V double 0.0

peak voltage

PHASE DEGdouble 0.0


FREQ Hz double 500000000


Q double 0.0

cavity Q (for cavity that charges up to given voltage from 0)


phase reference number (to link with other time-dependent elements)

CHANGE_P0 short 0

does cavity change central momentum?

CHANGE_T short 0

set to 1 for long runs to avoid rounding error in phase


mode for determining fiducial arrival time (light, tmean, first, pmaximum)

END1_FOCUS short 0

include focusing at entrance?

END2_FOCUS short 0

include focusing at exit?


Use standing-wave cavity model instead of default traveling wave?


None (default), SRS or TW1.

N_KICKS long 0

Number of kicks to use for kick method. Set to zero for matrix method.

DX M double 0.0


DY M double 0.0


T_REFERENCE S double -1

arrival time of reference particle


Linearize phase dependence?

LOCK_PHASE short 0

Lock phase to given value regardless of bunch centroid motion?


Optionally used to assign an element to a group, with a user-defined name. Group names will appear in the parameter output file in the column ElementGroup

The phase convention is as follows, assuming a positive rf voltage: PHASE=90 is the crest for acceleration. PHASE=180 is the stable phase for a storage ring above transition without energy losses.

Body focus models: By default, no body focusing (i.e., focusing along the cavity) is included. Two options are included:

The CHANGE_T parameter may be needed for reasons that stem from elegant’s internal use of the total time-of-flight as the longitudinal coordinate. If the accelerator is very long or a large number of turns are being tracked, rounding error may affect the simulation, introducing spurious phase jumps. By setting CHANGE_T=1, you can force elegant to modify the time coordinates of the particles to subtract off NTrf, where Ttf is the rf period and N = t∕Ttf + 0.5. If you are tracking a ring with rf at some harmonic h of the revolution frequency, this will result in the time coordinates being relative to the ideal revolution period, Trf * h. If you have multiple rf cavities in a ring, you need only use this feature on one of them. Also, you can use CHANGE_T=1 if you simply prefer to have the offset time coordinates in output files and analysis.

N.B.: Do not use CHANGE_T=1 if you have rf cavities that are not at harmonics of one another or if you have other time-dependent elements that are not resonant. Also, if you have harmonic cavities, only use CHANGE˙T on the cavity with the lowest frequency. Failure to follow these rules can result in wrong results and crashes.