13.33 Highlights of What’s New in Version 29.1, 3 March 2016
Here is a summary of what’s changed since release 29.0:
13.33.1 Bug Fixes for Elements
- Fixed bugs in RECORD output from TRFMODE element for multi-step, single-pass runs. This was
fixed by A. Xiao (APS).
13.33.2 Bug Fixes for Commands
- The replace_elements command now respects quoted sequences in the new element
13.33.3 New and Modified Elements
- LRWAKE now supports long-range quadrupole wakes. R. Lindberg (APS) provided helpful
discussion in this implementation.
- ILMATRIX now supports second-order tune shift with amplitude as well as path-length
dependence on amplitude.
- TFBPICKUP now supports horizontal and vertical offsets.
- Added logging of photon coordinates and angles to the CSBEND element. Works in serial mode
- TRFMODE now supports interpolation within bins, giving smoother results.
13.33.4 New and Modified Commands
- alter_elements now has a occurrence-skip parameter, which would allow for example
changing every other member of a group of elements.
- momentum_aperture now allows specifying that WATCH elements remain active during
momentum aperture determination.
- frequency_map was modified to include the path-length in the output file, which can be used
to determine the dependence of the path length of the betatron amplitude.
13.33.5 Changes to Related Programs and Files
- The script prepareTAPAs was added, which allows processing files from twiss_output into
a form that is accepted by the Android App TAPAs [46].
- The script makeSummedCsrWake was added, which allows making a CSR wake that sums up
contributions from dipoles with various lengths and bending radii.
- The script TFBFirSetup was added, which allows generating FIR filters for turn-by-turn
feedback using TFBDRIVER and TFBPICKUP elements.
- ibsEmittance can now perform intrabeam scattering calculations for non-gaussian
longitudinal distributions.
- computeCoherentFraction now uses λ∕4π for the radiation emittance to be consistent with
- longitCalcs now computes the bucket-half-height even when a harmonic cavity is powered.