7.17 correct
- type: setup command.
- sequence: must follow run_setup and precede beam definition (bunched_beam or sdds_beam).
- function: set up for correction of the trajectory or closed orbit.
- Command syntax, including use of equations and subcommands, is discussed in 7.2.
STRING mode = "trajectory";
STRING method = "global";
STRING trajectory_output = NULL;
STRING corrector_output = NULL;
STRING statistics = NULL;
STRING bpm_output = NULL;
double corrector_tweek[2] = {1e-6, 1e-6};
double corrector_limit[2] = {0, 0};
double correction_fraction[2] = {1, 1};
double correction_accuracy[2] = {1e-6, 1e-6};
long do_correction[2] = {1, 1};
long remove_smallest_SVs[2] = {0, 0};
long keep_largest_SVs[2] = {0, 0};
double minimum_SV_ratio[2] = {0, 0};
long auto_limit_SVs[2] = {1, 1};
double Tikhonov_relative_alpha[2] = {0, 0};
long Tikhonov_n[2] = {-1, -1};
long removed_pegged[2] = {0, 0};
long threading_divisor[2] = {100, 100};
long threading_correctors[2] = {-1, -1};
double bpm_noise[2] = {0, 0};
double bpm_noise_cutoff[2] = {1.0, 1.0};
STRING bpm_noise_distribution[2] = {"uniform", "uniform"};
long verbose = 1;
long fixed_length = 0;
long fixed_length_matrix = 0;
long n_xy_cycles = 1;
long minimum_cycles = 1;
long force_alternation = 0;
long n_iterations = 1;
long prezero_correctors = 1;
long track_before_and_after = 0;
long start_from_centroid = 1;
long use_actual_beam = 0;
double closed_orbit_accuracy = 1e-12;
double closed_orbit_accuracy_requirement = 1e-7;
long closed_orbit_iterations = 40;
double closed_orbit_iteration_fraction = 0.9;
double closed_orbit_fraction_multiplier = 1.05;
double closed_orbit_multiplier_interval = 5;
double closed_orbit_tracking_turns = 0;
long use_perturbed_matrix = 0;
long disable = 0;
long use_response_from_computed_orbits = 0;
In the case of array variables with dimension 2, the first entry is for the horizontal plane and the
second is for the vertical plane.
- mode — Either “trajectory” or “orbit”, indicating correction of a trajectory or a closed orbit.
- method — For trajectories, may be “one-to-one”, “one-to-best”, “one-to-next”, “thread”,
“global”, or “coupled”. “One-to-one” and “one-to-next” are the same: steering is performed
by pairing one corrector with the next downstream BPM. “One-to-best” attempts to find a
BPM with a large response to each corrector. “Thread” does corrector sweeps to work the
beam through a beamline with apertures; it is quite slow. “Global” simply uses the global
response matrix; it is the best choice if the trajectory is not lost on an aperture. “Coupled”
is like global, but should be used for strongly-coupled transport lines; in this case, only HMON
and VMON elements are permitted for monitors and only EHKICK, EVKICK, HKICK, and VKICK
elements are permitted for correctors. For closed orbit, must be “global”.
- trajectory_output — The (incomplete) name of an SDDS file to which the trajectories or
orbits will be written. Recommended value: “%s.traj” or “%s.orb”.
- corrector_output — The (incomplete) name of an SDDS file to which information about
the final corrector strengths will be written. Recommended value: “%s.cor”. N.B.: although
this file looks as if it can be used with the load_parameters command, care must be exercised
because the data for the horizontal and vertical planes is on separate pages. Typically,
one will need to use sddscombine -merge=Step ... in order to place the data from both
planes on the same page. Also, be aware that if all correctors have the same name, using
change_defined_values=1 on load_parameters will not produce the expected results. See
the documentation for load_parameters for more details.
- statistics — The (incomplete) name of an SDDS file to which statistical information about
the trajectories (or orbits) and corrector strengths will be written. Recommended value:
- bpm_output — The (incomplete) name of an SDDS file to which post-correction BPM errors
will be written. The errors are the residual after correction, and include the effects of offsets (DX
and DY), setpoints (XSETPOINT, YSETPOINT, and SETPOINT), and tilts (TILT). Recommended
value: “%s.bpm”.
- corrector_tweek[2] — The amount by which to change the correctors in order to compute
correction coefficients for transport lines. [The word “tweak” is misspelled “tweek” in the
code.] The default value, 1 mrad, may be too large for systems with small apertures. If you
get an error message about “tracking failed for test particle,” try decreasing this value.
- corrector_limit[2] — The maximum strength allowed for a corrector.
- correction_fraction[2] — The fraction of the computed correction strength to actually
use for any one iteration.
- correction_accuracy[2] — The desired accuracy of the correction in terms of the RMS
BPM values.
- do_correction[2] — Flags to allow disabling correction in one or both planes (if set to
- remove_smallest_SVs, keep_largest_SVs, minimum_SV_ratio, auto_limit_SVs — These
parameters control the elimination of singular vectors from the inverse response matrix, which
can help deal with degeneracy in the correctors and reduce corrector strength. By default,
the number of singular vectors is limited to the number of BPMs, which is a basic condition
for stability; this can be defeated by setting auto_limit_SVs to 0 for the desired planes.
Set remove_smallest_SVs to require removal of a given number of vectors with the smallest
singular values; this is ignored if auto_limit_SVs is also requested and would remove more
SVs. Set keep_largest_SVs to require keeping at most a given number of the largest SVs. Set
minimum_SV_ratio to require removal of any vectors with singular values less than a given
factor of the largest singular value.
- Tikhonov_relative_alpha[2] , Tikhonov_n[2] — Used for invoking
Tikhonov regularization of the singular value spectrum prior to creating the inverse matrices.
If Tikhonov_relative_alpha is positive, the Tikhonov α parameter is set to the given value
times the largest singular value for the plane in question. If Tikhonov_relative_alpha is
zero or negative and Tikhonov_n is greater than 0, the Tikhonov α parameter is set to the
singular value of the indicated vector; e.g., using 10 means α is equal to the 11th largest
singular value (indexing starts at zero). Can be used together with singular-value removal
- remove_pegged[2] — If nonzero, then for the plane in question pegged correctors will be
removed from the correction matrix. This results in recomputation of the matrix, following
which correction continues with the reduced set of correctors. The pegged corrector is left at
its last value.
- threading_divisor — In threading mode trajectory correction, each corrector is varied
between 0 and ±θmax, where θmax is the strength limit. This parameter sets the number of
steps to divide the corrector range into on the positive and negative sides. A smaller value
results in faster execution but is less reliable.
- threading_correctors — In threading mode trajectory correction, gives the number of
correctors upstream of the loss point to use for threading the beam further through the
- bpm_noise[2] — The BPM noise level.
- bpm_noise_cutoff[2] — Cutoff values for the random distributions of BPM noise.
- bpm_noise_distribution[2] — May be either “gaussian”, “uniform”, or “plus_or_minus”.
- verbose — If non-zero, information about the correction is printed during computations.
- fixed_length — Indicates that the closed orbit length should be kept the same as the design
orbit length by changing the momentum offset of the beam.
- fixed_length_matrix — Indicates that for fixed-length orbit correction, the fixed-length
matrix should be computed and used. This will improve convergence but isn’t always needed.
- n_xy_cycles — Number of times to alternate between correcting the x and y planes.
- force_alternation — Forces alternation between x and y correction even if one plane
appears to have converged.
- minimum_cycles — The minimum number of x-y cycles to perform, even if the correction
does not improve.
- n_iterations — Number of iterations of the correction in each plane for each x/y cycle.
- prezero_correctors — Flag indicating whether to set the correctors to zero before starting.
- track_before_and_after — Flag indicating whether tracking should be done both before
and after correction.
- start_from_centroid — Flag indicating that correction should start from the beam centroid.
For orbit correction, only the beam momentum centroid is relevant.
- use_actual_beam — Flag indicating that correction should employ tracking of the beam
distribution rather than a single particle. This is valid for trajectory correction only.
- closed_orbit_accuracy — Target accuracy of closed orbit computation.
- closed_orbit_accuracy_requirement — Required accuracy of closed orbit computation.
- closed_orbit_iterations — Number of iterations of closed orbit computation.
- closed_orbit_iteration_fraction — Fraction of change in closed orbit to use at each
- closed_orbit_fraction_multiplier — Multiplier to apply to the iteration fraction if
iteration is converging.
- closed_orbit_multiplier_interval — Interval in number of iterations at which to adjust
the iteration fraction.
- closed_orbit_tracking_turns — If non-zero, the absolute value gives the number of turns
to track for detemination of the closed orbit by averaging. This may be useful if the regular
closed orbit algorithm complains about convergence issues. If less than zero, then only this
method is used. If greater than zero, then regular orbit determination is tried first, and
tracking is used as a fallback.
- use_perturbed_matrix — If nonzero, specifies that prior to each correction elegant shall
recompute the response matrix. This is useful if the lattice is changing significantly between
- disable — If nonzero, the command is ignored.
- use_response_from_computed_orbits — If nonzero, in-plane response matrices are
computed using differences of closed orbits, which is slower but may be more accurate. For
cross-plane matrices, this is always the case.