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Up: User's Manual for elegant
Previous: vary_element
A number of specialized programs are available that work with elegant. Most are SDDS-compliant, so they will also work with any
program that reads or writes appropriate SDDS data. These programs
will be made available in Version 14.3Beta. The following is a
brief description of each program. Full descriptions are available
on subsequent pages.
- haissinski -- Computes the steady-state longitudinal distribution in
an electron storage ring. Requires as input a file containing the Twiss
parameters around the ring, such as that provided by the
(Program by L. Emery)
- ibsEmittance -- Computes the transverse and longitudinal emittances of a beam in
an electron storage ring, resulting from the combination of quantum excitation,
damping, and intra-beam scattering. Requires as input a file containing the
Twiss parameters, such as that provided by the
(Program by L. Emery)
- madto -- Translates an elegant-style lattice file (or a MAD file, with
some restrictions) into formats accepted by other programs, such as PARMELA,
PATPET, PATRICIA, TRANSPORT, and XORBIT. Will also generate an SDDS file containing lattice
- sddsanalyzebeam -- Analyzes a beam of macro-particles and produces an SDDS file
containing beam moments, emittances, equivalent beta functions, etc. The beam file
is of the type written by elegant using the output field of the run_setup
command, or the WATCH element.
- sddsemitmeas -- Analyzes quadrupole scan emittance measurement data. Accepts a
file containing the transport matrix for each point and measured beam sizes.
The file may, for example, be the file produced
by the final field of the run_setup command. The quadrupole scan can be
executed inside of elegant using vary_elements.
- sddsmatchtwiss -- Transforms a beam of macro-particles to match to given beta
functions and dispersion. The beam file
is of the type written by elegant using the output field of the run_setup
command, or the WATCH element.
Next: haissinski
Up: User's Manual for elegant
Previous: vary_element
Michael Borland