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Like CSBEND, but incorporates a simulation of Coherent Synchrotron radiation.
Parameter Name Units Type Default Description
L $M$ double 0.0 arc length
ANGLE $RAD$ double 0.0 bend angle
K1 $1/M^{2}$ double 0.0 geometric quadrupole strength
K2 $1/M^{3}$ double 0.0 geometric sextupole strength
K3 $1/M^{3}$ double 0.0 geometric octupole strength
K4 $1/M^{4}$ double 0.0 geometric decapole strength
E1 $RAD$ double 0.0 entrance edge angle
E2 $RAD$ double 0.0 exit edge angle
TILT $RAD$ double 0.0 rotation about incoming longitudinal axis
H1 $1/M$ double 0.0 entrance pole-face curvature
H2 $1/M$ double 0.0 exit pole-face curvature
HGAP $M$ double 0.0 half-gap between poles
FINT   double 0.5 edge-field integral
DX $M$ double 0.0 misalignment
DY $M$ double 0.0 misalignment
DZ $M$ double 0.0 misalignment
FSE   double 0.0 fractional strength error
ETILT   double 0.0 error rotation about incoming longitudinal axis
N_KICKS   long 4 number of kicks
NONLINEAR   long 1 include nonlinear field components?
SYNCH_RAD   long 0 include classical synchrotron radiation?
EDGE1_EFFECTS   long 1 include entrace edge effects?
EDGE2_EFFECTS   long 1 include exit edge effects?
INTEGRATION_ORDER   long 2 integration order (2 or 4)
BINS   long 0 number of bins for CSR wake
BIN_RANGE_FACTOR   double 1.2 Factor by which to increase the range of histogram compared to total bunch length. Large value eliminates binning problems in CSRDRIFTs.

Like CSBEND, but incorporates a simulation of Coherent Synchrotron radiation.
Parameter Name Units Type Default Description
SG_HALFWIDTH   long 0 Savitzky-Golay filter half-width for smoothing current histogram
SG_ORDER   long 1 Savitzky-Golay filter order for smoothing current histogram
SGDERIV_HALFWIDTH   long 0 Savitzky-Golay filter half-width for taking derivative of current histogram
SGDERIV_ORDER   long 1 Savitzky-Golay filter order for taking derivative of current histogram
OUTPUT_FILE   STRING NULL output file for CSR wakes
OUTPUT_INTERVAL   long 1 interval (in kicks) of output to OUTPUT_FILE
OUTPUT_LAST_WAKE_ONLY   long 0 output final wake only?
STEADY_STATE   long 0 use steady-state wake equations?
USE_BN   long 0 use B$<$n$>$ instead of K$<$n$>$?
B1 $1/M$ double 0.0 K1 = B1*rho, where rho is bend radius
B2 $1/M^{2}$ double 0.0 K2 = B2*rho
B3 $1/M^{3}$ double 0.0 K3 = B3*rho
B4 $1/M^{4}$ double 0.0 K4 = B4*rho
ISR   long 0 include incoherent synchrotron radiation (scattering)?
CSR   long 1 enable CSR computations?

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Michael Borland 2001-06-08