description: Permits specification of the size, current density, time profile, and other
parameters of particle emission from an annulus. Starting in version 2.3, multiple cathodes
may be defined.
z_position: Longitudinal position of the cathode in meters.
inner_radius, outer_radius: Inner and outer radius of the edges of the cathode, in
current_density: Base current density, in Amperes/m2.
temperature: Temperature of the cathode in degrees Kelvin. If zero, then emission is
constant at the rate given by current_density. Otherwise, used together with the work
function (given by the work_function parameter) and the Richardson-Schottky emission
model to determine emission at each time step based on the electric field.
work_function: Work function of the cathode material in eV. Must be nonzero if the
temperature is nonzero.
determine_temperature: If nonzero, then attempts to determine the temperature
required to give the current density given by current_density. You must give the
work_function. Results are approximate because of the Richardson-Schottky law.
add_thermal_velocities : If nonzero, thermal velocities are added at the time of
emission, assuming a Maxwellian velocity distribution.
field_emission: If nonzero, then the cathode emits only by field emission. The
treatment of field emission is from section 6.13 of The Handbook of AcceleratorPhysics and Engineering.. In field emission mode, spiffe splits the cathode into many
subcathodes, each one radial grid space in extent. The field emission current density
is computed for each subcathode separately, so that the results are correct in the case
where the field varies over the cathode.
field_emission_beta: Gives the field enhancement factor for computing field emission
current density. The value of the electric field is multiplied by this factor before being
used to compute the field emission current density. Typical values are between 1 and
100. In this mode, you must specify electrons_per_macroparticle.
electrons_per_macroparticle: Number of electrons represented by each
number_per_step: How many macroparticles to emit per step. Incompatible with
specifying electrons_per_macroparticle.
start_time, stop_time: Start and stop time for emission, in seconds.
autophase: Flag requesting that cathode emission start only when the field at the
cathode has the proper phase to accelerate the beam. The total time for emission is still
determined by the difference between the start and stop time.
time_offset: Only relevant when autophase = 1. Specifies a time offset relative to the
emission start time determined by autophasing.
initial_pz: The initial longitudinal momentum of emitted particles, in dimensionless
units (i.e., normalized to mec).
initial_omega: The initial angular velocity of particles, in radians per second.
stiffness: The beam stiffness, i.e., the particle mass, in electron masses.
discretize_radii: Flag requesting that particles be emitted only from radii n * Δr,
where n is an integer and Δr is the radial grid spacing. This can be useful for certain
types of diagnostic runs, but should not be used with space charge.
random_number_seed: The seed for the particle emission random number generator. A
large, odd integer is recommended. If 0 is given, the seed is picked based on the computer
distribution_correction_interval: The number of steps between corrections to the
emitted particle distribution. Can be used to compensate for nonuniform emission that
occurs due to use of random numbers in the emission algorithm. If used, it should be set
to 1. Cannot be used when the temperature is nonzero (Richardson-Schottky emission
spread_over_dt: Flag requesting that emitted particles have their effective emission
times spread out over the simulation time step, Δt. The particle velocities are adjusted
appropriately using the instantaneous Ez and Er fields only.
zoned_emission: Flag requesting that emission calculations take place separately for
each annular zone of width Δr (the radial grid spacing). Reduces the possibility that
random number effects will result in a nonuniform current density.
halton_radix_t: Halton radix (a small prime number) to be used for quiet-start
generation of time values.
halton_radix_r: Halton radix (a small prime number) to be used for quiet-start
generation of radius values.
profile: The name of an SDDS-protocol file containing a time-profile with which to
modulate the base current density.
profile_factor_name, profile_time_name: The columns giving the current-density
adjustment factor and the corresponding time when it is valid for the file named by
profile. The adjustment factor should be on [0,1].
emission_log: The name of an SDDS-protocol file to which data will be written for
each emitted particle.