description: Defines a resistive element in the cavity interior. These simulate the effect of
walls that are less than perfectly conducting. It slows the simulation tremendously, due to
the reduced step size needed to obtain numerical stability.
start = 0.02, end = 0.03,
position = 0.04,
direction = "z",
conductivity = 6e3
This specifies a resistor extending in the longitudinal (z) direction from 2cm to 3cm, at a radius of
4cm. The conductivity is 6 * 103(m * ohms)-1, the value for copper.
synopsis and defaults:
double start = 0;
double end = 0;
double position = 0;
STRING direction = "z";
double conductivity = 1e154;
direction: The direction in which the resistor extends. May be “z” or “r”.
start, end: The starting and ending coordinates of the resistor in the direction
position: The position of the resistor in the “other” dimension. E.g., the radial position
if direction is “z”.
conductivity: The conductivity of the metal in (m * ohms)-1.