description: Allows generating time-varying fields using a modulated sine-wave current
start = 0.01, end = 0.02, position = 0.03,
direction = "z",
current = 1,
frequency = 2856e6,
waveform = ""
This defines a current source in the longitudinal direction extending from z of 1cm to 2cm at a
radius of 3cm. The amplitude of the current is 1A with a frequency of 2856MHz, modulated by the
envelope in SDDS file
synopsis and defaults:
double start = 0;
double end = 0;
double position = 0;
STRING direction = "z";
double current = 0;
double frequency = 0;
double phase = 0;
STRING waveform = NULL;
double time_offset = 0;
direction: may take values ”z” and ”r”, indicating an antenna extending in the
longitudinal or radial direction, respectively.
start, end: starting and ending limits of the antenna in the direction direction.
position: position of the antenna in the ”other” direction. I.e., it is the r position if
direction is ”z”, and the z position if direction is ”r”.
current, frequency, phase: basic parameters of the antenna waveform.
waveform, time_offset: specifies an envelope function for the antenna drive. The
SDDS file waveform must contain at least two columns, named t (for the time in
seconds) and W, specifying the envelope W(t). The antenna is driven by the function
I * W(t - to) * sin(2 * π * f + ϕ), where I is the current in Amperes, t is the time
in seconds, to is time_offset in seconds, f is frequency in Hertz, and ϕ is phase in