Adds on-axis field data to the simulation. The user must provide an SDDS file giving Ez(z,r = 0). This data is used to compute Ez(z,r,t), Er(z,r,t), and Bϕ(z,r,t) using an off-axis expansion in r and assuming E ~ sin(ωt + ϕ) and B ~ cos(ωt + ϕ).
Any number of add_on_axis_fields commands may be given.
This command loads on-axis field data from columns z and Ez in fieldProfile.sdds, and scales it so that the peak field is 30 MV/m. The phase, ϕ, is set to 180 degrees. Because spiffe simulates electrons, if E(z,r) is positive, the phase factor must be negative to provide acceleration. I.e., ϕ = 270∘ is the accelerating phase.