| agilentArb2sdds.c |
| agilentcomm.cpp |
| agilentwaveform2sdds.cpp |
| atest1.c |
| citi2sdds.c |
| col2sdds.c |
| convert_to_bdd.c |
| csv2sdds.c |
| elegant2genesis.c |
| hpif2sdds.c |
| hpwf2sdds.c |
| image2sdds.c |
| lba2sdds.c |
| mcs2sdds.c |
| mpl2sdds.c |
| plaindata2sdds.c |
| raw2sdds.c |
| readexample.c |
| SDDS.m |
| sdds2agilentArb.c |
| Converts SDDS files to Agilent Arbitrary Waveform files.
| sdds2dfft.c |
| SDDS-format 2D FFT program.
| sdds2dinterpolate.c |
| Interpolates scalar 2D data at specified points using Natural Neighbours or Cubic Spline Approximation.
| sdds2headlessdata.c |
| Converts SDDS files into binary data without headers.
| sdds2math.c |
| Converts SDDS files to a Mathematica-compatible format.
| sdds2mpl.c |
| Converts SDDS data files into MPL format.
| sdds2plaindata.c |
| Converts SDDS (Self Describing Data Sets) files to plain data format.
| sdds2spreadsheet.c |
| Convert an SDDS file to a spreadsheet-readable format.
| sdds2stl.c |
| Converts SDDS (Self-Describing Data Set) files into binary STL (stereolithography) files.
| sdds2stream.c |
| Utility for streaming SDDS data values.
| sdds2tiff.c |
| Converts SDDS files to TIFF images.
| sdds3daverage.c |
| Averages 3D Vorpal output data, filtering and processing Rho and Jz components.
| sdds3dconvert.c |
| Converts 3D Vorpal output data into SDDS format compatible with sddscontour for plotting.
| sddsanalyticsignal.c |
| SDDS-format Hilbert transform program.
| SDDSaps.c |
| SDDSaps.h |
| sddsarray2column.c |
| Converts SDDS arrays to SDDS columns.
| sddsbaseline.c |
| Baseline subtraction tool for SDDS datasets.
| sddsbinarystring.c |
| Program for converting integer type columns into binary string representations.
| sddsbreak.c |
| Breaks up pages of an SDDS (Self Describing Data Sets) file into subpages based on various criteria.
| sddscast.c |
| Converts numeric columns, parameters, or arrays in SDDS files from one datatype to another.
| sddschanges.c |
| Analyze data from columns of an SDDS file to determine changes from the first page.
| sddscheck.c |
| Validates and checks an SDDS file for corruption or issues.
| sddscliptails.c |
| Program for processing SDDS files by clipping tails from specified columns.
| sddscollapse.c |
| Converts SDDS file parameters into columns.
| sddscollect.c |
| Collects data from multiple columns into new grouped columns based on specified criteria.
| sddscombine.c |
| Combines multiple SDDS files into a single SDDS file with options for merging, appending, and modifying data.
| sddscombinelogfiles.c |
| Combine multiple log files into a single SDDS file.
| sddsconvert.c |
| Program to copy and manipulate SDDS files.
| sddsconvertalarmlog.c |
| Converts SDDS log files with options to filter and format data.
| sddsconvertlogonchange.c |
| Converts SDDS log-on-change files with various configurable options.
| sddsconvolve.c |
| Perform convolution, deconvolution, and correlation operations using the SDDS library.
| sddscorrelate.c |
| Computes and evaluates correlations among columns of data in SDDS files.
| sddsderef.c |
| Array Dereferencing Tool for SDDS Data Sets.
| sddsderiv.c |
| Differentiates a data set in SDDS format.
| sddsdiff.c |
| Compare two SDDS files.
| sddsdigfilter.c |
| General series/cascade time-domain filtering utility.
| sddsdistest.c |
| Tests data against various statistical distributions.
| sddsduplicate.c |
| A program for duplicating rows in a file based on a weight column.
| sddsendian.c |
| Converts between big-endian and little-endian formats for SDDS files.
| sddsenvelope.c |
| Combine data from SDDS pages to create a new file with computed statistics.
| sddseventhist.c |
| Generates histograms for events from SDDS input files.
| sddsexpand.c |
| A program for converting SDDS column data into parameters in a new SDDS file.
| sddsexpfit.c |
| Performs an exponential fit of the form y(n) = a0 + a1 * exp(a2 * x(n))
| sddsfdfilter.c |
| SDDS-format frequency-domain filter program.
| sddsfft.c |
| SDDS-format FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) program.
| sddsfindin2dgrid.c |
| Finds locations in a 2D grid based on SDDS input data.
| sddsgenericfit.c |
| sddsgfit.c |
| Performs a Gaussian fit on input data.
| sddshist.c |
| SDDS-format Histogram Command-Line Tool.
| sddsimageprofiles.c |
| Analyze images stored as horizontal lines (one per column) based on the ideas of B-X Yang.
| sddsinsideboundaries.c |
| Program for analyzing data points relative to geometric boundaries.
| sddsinteg.c |
| Integrates a dataset using specified columns and methods.
| sddsinterp.c |
| SDDS-format interpolation program.
| sddsinterpset.c |
| Perform multiple interpolations on SDDS data sets.
| sddskde.c |
| Kernel Density Estimation for SDDS Data.
| sddskde2d.c |
| Performs kernel density estimation (KDE) for two-dimensional data using the SDDS library.
| sddslocaldensity.c |
| Computes the local density of data points using various methods such as fraction, spread, or Kernel Density Estimation (KDE).
| sddslogclient.c |
| A simple TCP client for sending commands to a server.
| sddslogserver.c |
| Server program to log data to SDDS (Self Describing Data Sets) files.
| sddslorentzianfit.c |
| Perform a Lorentzian fit on data.
| sddsmakedataset.c |
| Creates an SDDS file from input data provided via the command line.
| sddsmatrix2column.c |
| Transform a matrix into a column by stacking one column on top of another.
| sddsmatrixmult.c |
| Multiplies two matrices from SDDS files and outputs the result.
| sddsminterp.c |
| Multiplicative renormalized model interpolation utility for SDDS data sets.
| sddsmpfit.c |
| Performs nth-order polynomial least squares fitting for SDDS files.
| sddsmselect.c |
| A utility program for creating SDDS data sets based on matching data.
| sddsmultihist.c |
| SDDS-format multi-column histogramming program.
| sddsmxref.c |
| Merges two SDDS data sets by adding data from the second set to the first based on matching or filtering column data.
| sddsnaff.c |
| Determines frequency components of signals using Laskar's NAFF method.
| sddsnormalize.c |
| A program for SDDS-format column normalization.
| sddsoutlier.c |
| Eliminates statistical outliers from SDDS data files.
| sddspeakfind.c |
| Program to find peaks in a column of SDDS data as a function of row index.
| sddspfit.c |
| Performs nth order polynomial least squares fitting for SDDS files.
| sddspoly.c |
| Evaluates polynomials for N-dimensional input from SDDS files.
| sddsprintout.c |
| sddsprocess.c |
| Processes SDDS files by applying various transformations to columns and parameters.
| sddsquery.c |
| Reads an SDDS file header and summarizes it.
| sddsregroup.c |
| Regroups SDDS files by reorganizing rows and pages.
| sddsremoveoffsets.c |
| A program to remove offsets from BPM waveform data in SDDS files.
| sddsrespmatrixderivative.c |
| Calculates the response matrix derivative with respect to correctors or BPMs.
| sddsrowstats.c |
| Computes statistics for rows across multiple columns in SDDS datasets.
| sddsrunstats.c |
| sddssampledist.c |
| sddsselect.c |
| Creates an SDDS data set from another data set based on matching data in a third data set.
| sddsseparate.c |
| Reorganizes column data from an SDDS file onto separate pages.
| sddssequence.c |
| Generates an SDDS file with equispaced indices in a column.
| sddsshift.c |
| Program for shifting data columns in SDDS files.
| sddsshiftcor.c |
| A program to perform correlation analysis on shifted data columns in SDDS files.
| sddssinefit.c |
| Performs a sinusoidal fit on input data using the model: y(n) = a0 + a1*sin(2*PI*a2*x(n) + a3) or y(n) = a0 + a1*sin(2*PI*a2*x(n) + a3) + a4*x(n)
| sddsslopes.c |
| Computes straight line fits of numerical column data from an SDDS experiment output file.
| sddssmooth.c |
| SDDS-format smoothing program.
| sddssnap2grid.c |
| Snap data columns to a regular grid in SDDS files.
| sddssort.c |
| Sorts an SDDS (Self Describing Data Set) data set by the values in one or more columns.
| sddssortcolumn.c |
| This program rearranges the columns of an SDDS input file into a specified order.
| sddssplinefit.c |
| Performs nth order spline least squares fitting for SDDS files.
| sddssplit.c |
| Utility for splitting SDDS files into multiple files, one page per file.
| sddsspotanalysis.c |
| Analyzes spot images from SDDS (Self Describing Data Sets) files.
| sddstdrpeeling.c |
| Recursive TDR Impedance Peeling Algorithm Implementation.
| sddstimeconvert.c |
| Perform time conversions on SDDS (Self Describing Data Sets) data.
| sddstranspose.c |
| Transposes numerical columns in an SDDS file.
| sddsunwrap.c |
| Program to unwrap data by identifying and correcting phase discontinuities.
| SDDSutils.c |
| SDDSutils.h |
| sddsvslopes.c |
| Computes straight line fits (slopes and intercepts) of column data in SDDS experiment output files.
| sddsxref.c |
| Creates an SDDS data set by cross-referencing two or more input data sets.
| sddszerofind.c |
| A program to find zero crossings in a column of an SDDS file.
| stl2sdds.c |
| tdms2sdds.c |
| tek2sdds.c |
| TFS2sdds.c |
| tiff2sdds.c |
| Converts a TIFF image to an SDDS file format.
| wfm2sdds.c |