► include
SDDS.h SDDS (Self Describing Data Set) Data Types Definitions and Function Prototypes
SDDStypes.h SDDS Data Types Definitions
► mdbcommon
find_files.c Utility functions for date handling and file operations
fixcounts.c Contains the implementation of the fixcount
function to update data point counts in a file
hashtab.c Implements a hash table
lsfg.c Computes generalized least squares fits using a function passed by the caller
lsfn.c Computes nth order polynomial least squares fit
rcds_powell.c Implementation of the RCDS (Robust Conjugate Direction Search) algorithm
savitzkyGolay.c Implementation of Savitzky-Golay smoothing functions
scanargs.c Command-line argument parsing utilities for handling options and arguments
table.c DPL/MPL format input/output functions
► mdblib
array.c Implementation of dynamic 2D arrays and memory management functions
backspace.c Provides functionality to perform backspace operations by a specified number of characters
binary.c Contains binary conversion functions sbinary and bitsSet
binsert.c Binary search and insertion functions
bomb.c Provides functions to report errors and abort the program
buffer.c Provides buffering of text strings
clean_filename.c Provides functions to manipulate and clean filename strings
compress.c Provides a string manipulation function
cp_str.c Implementation of string manipulation functions
data_scan.c Provides functions for scanning and parsing free-format data
delete_bnd.c Implementation of string manipulation routine
delete_chars.c Implementation of string manipulation routine
edit_string.c Implements a simple single-line text-driven editor for user-directed data editing
fexists.c Implementation of file existence checking function
filestat.c Utility functions for handling file links and retrieving file information
fill_array.c Provides functions to fill arrays of various data types with a specified value
fopen_e.c Provides the fopen_e function for opening files with error checking and handling
get_token_tq.c Functions for parsing tokens from strings with support for delimiters and quotations
headers.c Provides functions to manage and format table header strings
insert.c Provides string manipulation function
interpret_escapes.c Provides functionality to interpret C escape sequences in strings
is_blank.c Implementation of is_blank function
match_string.c Provides functions for matching strings with various matching modes
mkdir.c Provides functionality to create directories recursively
non_dominated_sort.c Definitions and implementations for non-dominated sorting and crowding distance routines used in multi-objective optimization
pad_with_spaces.c Provides functionality to manipulate and format strings
query.c Provides functions to prompt the user for various types of numerical input
rcdelete.c Provides the rcdelete function for string manipulation
replace_chars.c Provides functionality to map one set of characters into another within strings
replace_string.c Provides functions to replace occurrences of substrings within strings
replacefile.c Provides functions to replace files with options for backup and robust renaming
report_stats.c Reports elapsed time, CPU time, BIO/DIO counts, page faults, and memory usage to a file
scanitemlist.c This file contains functions for scanning and parsing item lists with various data types
searchPath.c Implementation of search path management and file locating functions
sortfunctions.c Useful routines for sorting, compatible with qsort()
str_copy.c Implementation of the strcpy_ss function for safe string copying
str_in.c Implementation of the str_in function
str_inn.c Contains string str_inn function
str_tolower.c Implementation of the str_tolower function
str_toupper.c Implementation of the str_toupper function
strslide.c Implements the strslide function
substituteTagValue.c Handles macro substitution within input strings
time.c Contains time-related functions: mtime() , convert_date_time(), mtimes()
timeconvert.c Provides functions for converting and manipulating time representations, including leap year calculations, Julian day conversions, and epoch time breakdowns
timer.c Provides functions for collecting run-time statistics such as CPU time, memory usage, I/O counts, and elapsed time
tmpname.c Provides functions to generate unique temporary filenames
trim_spaces.c Implementation of trim_spaces function.
unpack.c Provides functions for determining unpacking types and opening unpacked files
wild_match.c Wildcard matching and string utility functions
► mdbmth
betai.c Routines for computing the incomplete beta function
bsODEp.c Bulirsch-Stoer method implementation for solving ordinary differential equations using polynomial extrapolation
complex.cc Implementation of complex number functions
counter.c Provides functions to sequence values over an n-dimensional grid
dbessel.c Implements Bessel functions (I0, I1, J0, J1, K0, K1, Y0, Y1) in double precision
diffeqResDescrip.c Provides a description string corresponding to a given differential equation result code
drand.c Random number generation functions providing various distributions (uniform, Gaussian) and related utilities (seeding, ordering, etc.)
elliptic.c Functions for evaluating complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind (K and E), as well as their total derivatives with respect to the modulus k
factorial.c Provides functions to compute the factorial of a number
factorize.c Routines for prime factorization and primality testing
findMinMax.c Provides functions to find minimum and maximum values in arrays
gammai.c Routines for computing the incomplete gamma functions
gaussQuad.c Implements recursive Gaussian quadrature for numerical integration
GillMillerIntegration.c Provides the Gill-Miller integration method for numerical integration of functions
gridopt.c Functions for performing grid search and random search minimization on an N-dimensional function
gy.c Implements the integral of K_{5/3}(t) multiplied by y^n from y to infinity
halton.c Implementation of Halton and modified Halton sequences
interp.c Implements interpolation functions including linear and Lagrange interpolation
ipow.c This file provides the ipow function for computing integer powers of a double
k13.c Computes the Modified Bessel Function of the Second Kind K_{1/3}(z)
k23.c Provides a function to compute the Modified Bessel Function of the Second Kind K_{2/3}(z)
kstests.c Perform the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for two sets of samples
lincorr.c Functions for computing linear correlation coefficients and their significance
linfit.c Provides routines for performing simple linear fits
logfile_gener.c This file provides functions for creating time-based filenames, timestamps, and for breaking down and retrieving the current time in various formats
lsfBasisFns.c Basis functions for Least Squares Fits (LSFs) using ordinary and Chebyshev polynomials
makeHistogram.c Compiles histograms from data points
mcTable.c Read and write routines for Multi-Column Tables
median.c Computes statistical measures such as median, percentiles, average, and middle values
medianfilter.c Core MEX routine implementing a fast version of the classical 1D running median filter of size W, where W is odd
minc.c Finds the minimum of a multi-parameter function with parameter constraints
mmid.c Modified midpoint method for integrating ordinary differential equations (ODEs)
moments.c Computes statistical moments and related measures
onedoptimize.c Implementation of one-dimensional optimization functions
pointInsideContour.c Provides functions for determining the relative position of points with respect to a polygonal contour, including whether a point lies inside it
poly.c Functions for evaluating polynomials and their derivatives, as well as solving quadratic equations
powellMin.c Implementation of Powell's optimization algorithm for multidimensional minimization
qromb.c Performs numerical integration using Romberg's method
rkODE.c Fourth-order Runge-Kutta ODE integration routines (double-precision version)
rowmedian.c Computes statistical measures such as median, percentiles, average, and middle values for arrays
sigLevel.c Routines for Student's t distribution, the F distribution, the linear-correlation coefficient distribution, and Poisson distribution
simplex.c Provides routines for performing multivariate function optimization using the simplex method
smooth.c Functions for smoothing data and removing spikes from data arrays
topbase.c Provides routines to determine the top-level and base-level of data
trapInteg.c Provides functions for performing trapezoidal integration on data sets
wofz.c Computes the complex error function for a given complex number
zeroIH.c Implements the zeroIntHalve function for finding zeros of a function using interval halving
zeroInterp.c Implements the zeroInterp function for finding zeros of a function using successive interpolation
zeroNewton.c Implements the zeroNewton function for finding zeros of a function using Newton's method with numerical derivatives
► python
► demo
example_load.py Demonstrates reading an SDDS file using the SDDS Python module
example_save.py Demonstrates writing an SDDS file using the SDDS Python module
sdds.py Python script providing the SDDS Python module
sddsdatamodule.c Python C extension module (sddsdata) for interfacing with the C language SDDS library
► SDDSaps
sdds2agilentArb.c Converts SDDS files to Agilent Arbitrary Waveform files
sdds2dfft.c SDDS-format 2D FFT program
sdds2dinterpolate.c Interpolates scalar 2D data at specified points using Natural Neighbours or Cubic Spline Approximation
sdds2headlessdata.c Converts SDDS files into binary data without headers
sdds2math.c Converts SDDS files to a Mathematica-compatible format
sdds2mpl.c Converts SDDS data files into MPL format
sdds2plaindata.c Converts SDDS (Self Describing Data Sets) files to plain data format
sdds2spreadsheet.c Convert an SDDS file to a spreadsheet-readable format
sdds2stl.c Converts SDDS (Self-Describing Data Set) files into binary STL (stereolithography) files
sdds2stream.c Utility for streaming SDDS data values
sdds2tiff.c Converts SDDS files to TIFF images
sdds3daverage.c Averages 3D Vorpal output data, filtering and processing Rho and Jz components
sddsanalyticsignal.c SDDS-format Hilbert transform program
sddsarray2column.c Converts SDDS arrays to SDDS columns
sddsbaseline.c Baseline subtraction tool for SDDS datasets
sddsbinarystring.c Program for converting integer type columns into binary string representations
sddsbreak.c Breaks up pages of an SDDS (Self Describing Data Sets) file into subpages based on various criteria
sddscast.c Converts numeric columns, parameters, or arrays in SDDS files from one datatype to another
sddschanges.c Analyze data from columns of an SDDS file to determine changes from the first page
sddscheck.c Validates and checks an SDDS file for corruption or issues
sddscliptails.c Program for processing SDDS files by clipping tails from specified columns
sddscollapse.c Converts SDDS file parameters into columns
sddscombinelogfiles.c Combine multiple log files into a single SDDS file
sddsconvert.c Program to copy and manipulate SDDS files
sddsconvertlogonchange.c Converts SDDS log-on-change files with various configurable options
sddsconvolve.c Perform convolution, deconvolution, and correlation operations using the SDDS library
sddscorrelate.c Computes and evaluates correlations among columns of data in SDDS files
sddsderef.c Array Dereferencing Tool for SDDS Data Sets
sddsderiv.c Differentiates a data set in SDDS format
sddsdiff.c Compare two SDDS files
sddsdigfilter.c General series/cascade time-domain filtering utility
sddsdistest.c Tests data against various statistical distributions
sddsduplicate.c A program for duplicating rows in a file based on a weight column
sddsendian.c Converts between big-endian and little-endian formats for SDDS files
sddsenvelope.c Combine data from SDDS pages to create a new file with computed statistics
sddseventhist.c Generates histograms for events from SDDS input files
sddsexpand.c A program for converting SDDS column data into parameters in a new SDDS file
sddsexpfit.c Performs an exponential fit of the form y(n) = a0 + a1 * exp(a2 * x(n))
sddsfdfilter.c SDDS-format frequency-domain filter program
sddsfft.c SDDS-format FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) program
sddsfindin2dgrid.c Finds locations in a 2D grid based on SDDS input data
sddsgfit.c Performs a Gaussian fit on input data
sddshist.c SDDS-format Histogram Command-Line Tool
sddsimageprofiles.c Analyze images stored as horizontal lines (one per column) based on the ideas of B-X Yang
sddsinsideboundaries.c Program for analyzing data points relative to geometric boundaries
sddsinteg.c Integrates a dataset using specified columns and methods
sddsinterp.c SDDS-format interpolation program
sddsinterpset.c Perform multiple interpolations on SDDS data sets
sddskde.c Kernel Density Estimation for SDDS Data
sddskde2d.c Performs kernel density estimation (KDE) for two-dimensional data using the SDDS library
sddslocaldensity.c Computes the local density of data points using various methods such as fraction, spread, or Kernel Density Estimation (KDE)
sddslogclient.c A simple TCP client for sending commands to a server
sddslogserver.c Server program to log data to SDDS (Self Describing Data Sets) files
sddslorentzianfit.c Perform a Lorentzian fit on data
sddsmakedataset.c Creates an SDDS file from input data provided via the command line
sddsmatrix2column.c Transform a matrix into a column by stacking one column on top of another
sddsmatrixmult.c Multiplies two matrices from SDDS files and outputs the result
sddsminterp.c Multiplicative renormalized model interpolation utility for SDDS data sets
sddsmpfit.c Performs nth-order polynomial least squares fitting for SDDS files
sddsmselect.c A utility program for creating SDDS data sets based on matching data
sddsmultihist.c SDDS-format multi-column histogramming program
sddsmxref.c Merges two SDDS data sets by adding data from the second set to the first based on matching or filtering column data
sddsnaff.c Determines frequency components of signals using Laskar's NAFF method
sddsnormalize.c A program for SDDS-format column normalization
sddsoutlier.c Eliminates statistical outliers from SDDS data files
sddspeakfind.c Program to find peaks in a column of SDDS data as a function of row index
sddspfit.c Performs nth order polynomial least squares fitting for SDDS files
sddspoly.c Evaluates polynomials for N-dimensional input from SDDS files
sddsprocess.c Processes SDDS files by applying various transformations to columns and parameters
sddsquery.c Reads an SDDS file header and summarizes it
sddsregroup.c Regroups SDDS files by reorganizing rows and pages
sddsremoveoffsets.c A program to remove offsets from BPM waveform data in SDDS files
sddsrespmatrixderivative.c Calculates the response matrix derivative with respect to correctors or BPMs
sddsrowstats.c Computes statistics for rows across multiple columns in SDDS datasets
sddsselect.c Creates an SDDS data set from another data set based on matching data in a third data set
sddsseparate.c Reorganizes column data from an SDDS file onto separate pages
sddssequence.c Generates an SDDS file with equispaced indices in a column
sddsshift.c Program for shifting data columns in SDDS files
sddsshiftcor.c A program to perform correlation analysis on shifted data columns in SDDS files
sddssinefit.c Performs a sinusoidal fit on input data using the model: y(n) = a0 + a1*sin(2*PI*a2*x(n) + a3) or y(n) = a0 + a1*sin(2*PI*a2*x(n) + a3) + a4*x(n)
sddsslopes.c Computes straight line fits of numerical column data from an SDDS experiment output file
sddssmooth.c SDDS-format smoothing program
sddssnap2grid.c Snap data columns to a regular grid in SDDS files
sddssort.c Sorts an SDDS (Self Describing Data Set) data set by the values in one or more columns
sddssortcolumn.c This program rearranges the columns of an SDDS input file into a specified order
sddssplinefit.c Performs nth order spline least squares fitting for SDDS files
sddssplit.c Utility for splitting SDDS files into multiple files, one page per file
sddsspotanalysis.c Analyzes spot images from SDDS (Self Describing Data Sets) files
sddstdrpeeling.c Recursive TDR Impedance Peeling Algorithm Implementation
sddstimeconvert.c Perform time conversions on SDDS (Self Describing Data Sets) data
sddstranspose.c Transposes numerical columns in an SDDS file
sddsunwrap.c Program to unwrap data by identifying and correcting phase discontinuities
sddsvslopes.c Computes straight line fits (slopes and intercepts) of column data in SDDS experiment output files
sddsxref.c Creates an SDDS data set by cross-referencing two or more input data sets
sddszerofind.c A program to find zero crossings in a column of an SDDS file
tiff2sdds.c Converts a TIFF image to an SDDS file format
► SDDSlib
► demo
sdds_read_demo.c A program to read and process SDDS files, displaying parameters, columns, and arrays
sdds_write_demo.c Example program demonstrating how to write data to an SDDS file using various data types
SDDS_ascii.c SDDS ascii data input and output routines
SDDS_binary.c SDDS binary data input and output routines
SDDS_copy.c This file contains the functions related to copying SDDS data
SDDS_data.c Defines global data arrays used by SDDS (Self Describing Data Sets) routines
SDDS_dataprep.c This file provides functions for SDDS dataset preparations
SDDS_extract.c This file contains routines for getting pointers to SDDS objects like columns and parameters
SDDS_info.c This file contains routines for getting the meta data for the SDDS objects
SDDS_input.c This file contains the functions related to reading SDDS files
SDDS_internal.h Internal definitions and function declarations for SDDS with LZMA support
SDDS_lzma.c Implementation of LZMA-compressed file handling functions
SDDS_MPI_binary.c Implementation of SDDS MPI Functions
SDDS_mplsupport.c Functions and definitions for handling SDDS datasets and integrating with MPL (Matplotlib)
SDDS_output.c This file contains the implementation of the SDDS output routines
SDDS_process.c Processes SDDS layout headers and translates namelist structures
SDDS_rpn.c Implements Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) operations for SDDS datasets
SDDS_transfer.c This file provides functions for transferring definitions from one SDDS dataset to another
SDDS_utils.c This file provides miscellaneous functions for interacting with SDDS objects
SDDS_write.c Provides functions for writing SDDS layout headers
SDDSmpi_input.c SDDS MPI Input Initialization and Data Broadcasting Functions
SDDSmpi_output.c MPI-based Parallel I/O Functions for SDDS Datasets