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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 SDDS.hSDDS (Self Describing Data Set) Data Types Definitions and Function Prototypes
 SDDStypes.hSDDS Data Types Definitions
 example_load.pyDemonstrates reading an SDDS file using the SDDS Python module
 example_save.pyDemonstrates writing an SDDS file using the SDDS Python module
 sdds.pyPython script providing the SDDS Python module
 sddsdatamodule.cPython C extension module (sddsdata) for interfacing with the C language SDDS library
 sdds_read_demo.cA program to read and process SDDS files, displaying parameters, columns, and arrays
 sdds_write_demo.cExample program demonstrating how to write data to an SDDS file using various data types
 SDDS_ascii.cSDDS ascii data input and output routines
 SDDS_binary.cSDDS binary data input and output routines
 SDDS_copy.cThis file contains the functions related to copying SDDS data
 SDDS_data.cDefines global data arrays used by SDDS (Self Describing Data Sets) routines
 SDDS_dataprep.cThis file provides functions for SDDS dataset preparations
 SDDS_extract.cThis file contains routines for getting pointers to SDDS objects like columns and parameters
 SDDS_info.cThis file contains routines for getting the meta data for the SDDS objects
 SDDS_input.cThis file contains the functions related to reading SDDS files
 SDDS_internal.hInternal definitions and function declarations for SDDS with LZMA support
 SDDS_lzma.cImplementation of LZMA-compressed file handling functions
 SDDS_MPI_binary.cImplementation of SDDS MPI Functions
 SDDS_mplsupport.cFunctions and definitions for handling SDDS datasets and integrating with MPL (Matplotlib)
 SDDS_output.cThis file contains the implementation of the SDDS output routines
 SDDS_process.cProcesses SDDS layout headers and translates namelist structures
 SDDS_rpn.cImplements Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) operations for SDDS datasets
 SDDS_transfer.cThis file provides functions for transferring definitions from one SDDS dataset to another
 SDDS_utils.cThis file provides miscellaneous functions for interacting with SDDS objects
 SDDS_write.cProvides functions for writing SDDS layout headers
 SDDSmpi_input.cSDDS MPI Input Initialization and Data Broadcasting Functions
 SDDSmpi_output.cMPI-based Parallel I/O Functions for SDDS Datasets