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- sddsbaseline -- Remove baselines from column data. Example
application: determining the noise level in a video signal and subtracting
it from the signal.
- sddschanges -- Analyzes changes in column data from
page to page in a file, relative to a reference file or the first
page. Example application: finding changes in a waveform that is
acquired repeatedly, where successive waveforms are on successive
- sddscliptails -- Remove tails from column data, where a
tail is dubious data on either side of a peak. Example application:
removing halo or noise tails from video images of beam spots.
- sddsderiv -- Does numerical differentiation of multiple data columns
versus a single column, with optional error propogation.
- sddsinteg -- Does numerical integration of multiple data columns versus a single column, with
optional error propogation. Example application: finding the field integral an accelerator magnet from a
longitudinal field scan.
- sddsinterp -- Does interpolation of multiple data columns as a function of a single column.
Example application: finding the required current to obtain a desired excitation in a magnet, or interpolating a
curve at positions given in a second file.
- sddsnormalize -- Normalizes data in multiple columns using various types of
normalization factors, determined from the data.
- sddspeakfind -- Finds values of columns at locations of peaks in a single column. Example
application: finding the position and height of peaks in a power spectrum obtained from a FFT.
- sddsprocess -- Probably the most-used toolkit program, excepting
. Allows
creating new parameters and columns with user-specified equations; filtering and matching operations; printing,
editing, scanning, and subprocess operations; statistical and waveform analysis of column data to produce new
parameters; and much more.
- sddssmooth -- Smooths columns of data using multipass nearest-neighbor averaging. Example
application: reducing noise in a frequency spectrum prior to finding peaks.
- sddszerofind -- Finds values of columns at locations of interpolated zeroes in a single column.
Example application: finding zeros of a tabulated function that isn't known analytically.
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Hairong Shang