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- sddsconvolve -- Does FFT convolution, deconvolution, and correlation. Example
application: computing the ideal impulse response of a system after you've measured the response to
a pulse.
- sddsdigfilter -- Performs time-domain digital filtering of column data. Example applications:
low pass, high pass, band pass, or notch filtering of data to eliminate unwanted frequencies.
- sddsfdfilter -- Performs frequency-domain filtering of column data. Example application:
applying a filter that is specified as a table of attenuation and phase as a function of frequency.
- sddsfft -- Does Fast Fourier Transforms of column data. Example application: finding signficant
frequency components in time-varying data, or finding the integer tune of an accelerator from a difference orbit.
- sddsnaff -- Does Numerical Analysis of Fundamental Frequencies, a more accurate
method of determining principle frequencies in signals than the FFT.
Hairong Shang