description: sddsunwrap looks for discontinuities of size > threshold in a set of data. After each
discontinuity it adds the appropriate multiple of the modulo to the data set.
files: The input file contains the column data to be unwrapped. The unwrapped data is saved into
Unwrap¡inputColumn¿ column in the output file.
-pipe[=input] — The standard SDDS Toolkit pipe option.
-threshold=value — Specifies the discontinuity threshold used to identify a wrap in
the data, default is PI..
-modulo=value — Specifies the value used to unwrap the data, default is 2*PI.
-columns=columnName[,columnName...] — Specifies the names of the columns to
be unwrapped, separated by comma, and accept wild cards. If not specified, all
numerical columns in the input file will be unwrapped. The output column is named as