3.8 randomizeBunchCurrent
- type: Setup command.
- function: The command defines the randomization parameters for the bunch pattern. The
randomization is performed on the ideal bunch pattern before each growth rate calculation.
If a sweep of frequency is requested (sweepFrequency), then a new random bunch pattern
is generated for each HOM frequency value. If a HOM-frequency Monte Carlo simulation is
requested (randomizeHOMFrequencies), then a new random bunch pattern is generated for
each HOM frequency sample. Thus there are two random components in the resulting growth
rate distribution: HOM frequency and bunch population.
&randomizeBunchCurrent struct
long seed = -987654323;
long uniform = 1;
double absoluteSpreadMA = 0;
double relativeSpread = 0;
- seed — A large negative number for the random number generator. This will use an
independent generator from the HOM frequency.
- uniform — Flag for uniform distribution. Presently only uniform distribution is available.
- absoluteSpreadMA — Spread in bunch distribution in units of mA. This is useful in top-up
mode injection where the total current is constant but individual bunches have spread equal
to the charge per injection bunch. For example if a bunch pattern has 4 mA per bunch and
the spread is 1 mA, then some bunches may have current as low as 3.5 mA and others as
high as 4.5 mA.
- relativeSpread — Spread in bunch distribution in fraction.