sddsmatchtwiss elegantBeam.out -xPlane=beta=1.0,alpha=-0.2 -yPlane=beta=0.5,alpha=0.2
sddsmatchtwiss [-pipe=[input][,output]] inputfile outputfile [-saveMatrices=filename] [-loadMatrices=filename] [-xPlane=[beta=meters,alpha=value][,etaValue=meters][,etaSlope=value]] [-yPlane=[beta=meters,alpha=value][,etaValue=meters][,etaSlope=value]] [-zPlane=[deltaStDev=value][,tStDev=value] [,correlation=seconds|alpha=value][,chirp=1/seconds][,betaGamma=value]] [-nowarnings]
inputfile is an SDDS file containing one or more pages of data giving the phase-space coordinates of macro particles. The macro particle data is stored in columns named x, xp, y, yp, and p. The units are those used by elegant for the output file from run_setup, the bunch file from bunched_beam, and the coordinate-mode output from the WATCH element. The data from these columns is used together with the commandline arguments to produce new values for these columns; the new values are delivered to outputfile. Other columns may be present in inputfile; if so, they are passed to outputfile unchanged.