There are many conventions for specifying magnetic fields in terms of a multipole, polynomial, or Taylor expansion, which leads to potential confusion. In elegant (as in MAD[2]), magnet strengths are specified in terms of Taylor series. For normal multipoles and y = 0, the expansion is
| (16) |
where B0 is the dipole, B1 is the quadrupole, etc. In general,
| (17) |
elegant follows MAD [2] in using a right-handed coordinate system (x,y,z) in which z is along the beam direction, x is to the left, and y is up.
This expansion for the normal multipole terms can be related to a multipole expansion that includes both normal and skew components. In this convention, positive normal multipole coefficients give positive By for x > 0 and y = 0. Rotating a positive normal multipole with N poles π∕N clockwise about the vector along the beam direction will convert it into a positive skew multipole. As a result, for a positive skew multipole, By will be non-negative and Bx will be negative for x > 0 along the line ϕ = π∕N.
We can satisfy these conventions if we write the scalar potential as
| (18) |
where, as we’ll see, Am are skew components and Bm are normal components for a 2(m + 1)-pole. The coordinates (x,y) are in a right-handed system with the longitudinal coordinate z. Δϕ is the rotation angle of the magnet, where a clockwise rotation about the nominal trajectory corresponds to Δϕ > 0. The minus sign in e-inΔϕ is because we rotate the magnet while keeping the coordinate system fixed.
The magnetic fields are
| (19) |
| (20) |
We can relate the coefficients to the Bm quantities used in MAD and elegant by noting that for Δϕ = 0
| (21) |
| (22) |
Note the minus sign in the last equation, which differs from commonly asserted conventions.
Multipole errors are typically specified as fractions of the main field harmonic at a reference radius R, e.g.,
| (23) |
where m is the main harmonic and n is the error harmonic.
For electrons, the deflection from a thin element is
| (24) |
where H = Bρ = -p∕e is the beam rigidity and p = mecβγ is the momentum. The geometric strengths Kn are defined as
| (25) |
By convention in elegant, a positive Kn value deflects a particle at x > 0 toward x = 0. E.g., a positive K1 value indicates a horizontally focusing quadrupole.