A canonical kick sextupole, which differs from the MULT element with ORDER=2 in that it can be used
for chromaticity correction.
Parallel capable? : yes
GPU capable? : yes
Back-tracking capable? : yes
Parameter Name | Units | Type | Default | Description |
L | M | double | 0.0 | length |
K2 | 1∕M3 | double | 0.0 | geometric strength |
K1 | 1∕M2 | double | 0.0 | geometric quadrupole strength error. See notes below! |
J1 | 1∕M2 | double | 0.0 | geometric skew quadrupole strength error. See notes below! |
TILT | RAD | double | 0.0 | rotation about longitudinal axis |
PITCH | RAD | double | 0.0 | rotation about horizontal axis. Ignored if MALIGN_METHOD=0 |
YAW | RAD | double | 0.0 | rotation about vertical axis. Ignored if MALIGN_METHOD=0 |
BORE | M | double | 0.0 | bore radius |
B | T | double | 0.0 | field at pole tip (used if bore nonzero) |
N_KICKS | long | 0 | number of kicks (rounded up to next multipole of 4 if INTEGRATION_ORDER=4. Deprecated. Use N_SLICES.) |
N_SLICES | long | 1 | Number of slices (full integrator steps). |
DX | M | double | 0.0 | misalignment |
DY | M | double | 0.0 | misalignment |
DZ | M | double | 0.0 | misalignment |
FSE | double | 0.0 | fractional strength error |
HKICK | RAD | double | 0.0 | horizontal correction kick |
VKICK | RAD | double | 0.0 | vertical correction kick |
HCALIBRATION | double | 1 | calibration factor for horizontal correction kick |
VCALIBRATION | double | 1 | calibration factor for vertical correction kick |
HSTEERING | short | 0 | use for horizontal correction? |
KSEXT continued
A canonical kick sextupole, which differs from the MULT element with ORDER=2 in that it can be used for
chromaticity correction.
Parameter Name | Units | Type | Default | Description |
VSTEERING | short | 0 | use for vertical correction? | |
SYNCH_RAD | short | 0 | include classical, single-particle synchrotron radiation? |
SYSTEMATIC_MULTIPOLES | STRING | NULL | input file for systematic multipoles |
EDGE_MULTIPOLES | STRING | NULL | input file for systematic edge multipoles |
RANDOM_MULTIPOLES | STRING | NULL | input file for random multipoles |
STEERING_MULTIPOLES | STRING | NULL | input file for multipole content of steering kicks |
SYSTEMATIC_MULTIPOLE_FACTOR | double | 1 | Factor by which to multiply systematic and edge multipoles |
RANDOM_MULTIPOLE_FACTOR | double | 1 | Factor by which to multiply random multipoles |
STEERING_MULTIPOLE_FACTOR | double | 1 | Factor by which to multiply steering multipoles |
MIN_NORMAL_ORDER | short | -1 | If nonnegative, minimum order of systematic and random normal multipoles to use from data files. |
MIN_SKEW_ORDER | short | -1 | If nonnegative, minimum order of systematic and random skew multipoles to use from data files. |
MAX_NORMAL_ORDER | short | -1 | If nonnegative, maximum order of systematic and random normal multipoles to use from data files. |
MAX_SKEW_ORDER | short | -1 | If nonnegative, maximum order of systematic and random skew multipoles to use from data files. |
KSEXT continued
A canonical kick sextupole, which differs from the MULT element with ORDER=2 in that it can be used for
chromaticity correction.
Parameter Name | Units | Type | Default | Description |
INTEGRATION_ORDER | short | 4 | integration order (2, 4, or 6) |
SQRT_ORDER | short | 0 | Ignored, kept for backward compatibility only. |
ISR | short | 0 | include incoherent synchrotron radiation (quantum excitation)? |
ISR1PART | short | 1 | Include ISR for single-particle beam only if ISR=1 and ISR1PART=1 |
EXPAND_HAMILTONIAN | short | 0 | If 1, Hamiltonian is expanded to leading order. |
MALIGN_METHOD | short | 0 | 0=original, 1=new entrace-centered, 2=new body-centered |
GROUP | string | NULL | Optionally used to assign an element to a group, with a user-defined name. Group names will appear in the parameter output file in the column ElementGroup |
This element simulates a sextupole using a kick method based on symplectic integration. The user specifies the number of kicks and the order of the integration. For computation of twiss parameters, chromaticities, and response matrices, this element is treated like a standard thick-lens sextuupole; i.e., the number of kicks and the integration order become irrelevant.
Multipole errors
Specification of systematic and random multipole errors is supported through the SYSTEMATIC_MULTIPOLES, EDGE_MULTIPOLES, and RANDOM_MULTIPOLES fields. These specify, respectively, fixed multipole strengths for the body of the element, fixed multipole strengths for the edges of the element, and random multipole strengths for the body of the element. These fields give the names of SDDS files that supply the multipole data. The files are expected to contain a single page of data with the following elements:
Specification of systematic higher multipoles due to steering fields is supported through the STEERING_MULTIPOLES field. This field gives the name of an SDDS file that supplies the multipole data. The file is expected to contain a single page of data with the following elements:
Another way of introducing errors is via the K1 and J1 parameters, which allow introducing a normal and skew quadrupole error term. For tracking, the strength of these values can be arbitrarily high without introducing errors. However, the matrix analysis (e.g., for determination of tunes and beta functions) assumes that these are weak effects and high accuracy should not be expected if this is not true. If K1 is significant, then use of the KQUSE element is preferred.
Apertures specified via an upstream MAXAMP element or an aperture_input command will be imposed inside this element.
There are three modes for implementing alignment errors. Which is used is controlled by the value of the MALIGN_METHOD parameter:
For elements with non-zero TILT, error displacements and rotations are performed in the lab frame.