13.1 Highlights of What’s New in Version 2023.4
Here is a summary of what’s changed since release 2023.3.
13.1.1 New and Modified Elements
- The CWIGGLER element now supports imposition of uniform horizontal and vertical magnetic
fields. These can be used, for example, for trajectory correction.
- The calculation of the Bassetti-Erskine formula, used for obtaining the electric field for
gaussian bunches, is now faster by about a factor of two, thanks to use of code from
http://ab-initio.mit.edu/Faddeeva. This change by N. Kuklev (APS) affects the IONEFFECTS
and BEAMBEAM elements.
13.1.2 New and Modified Commands
- Added slope-response output and full-names options to the correction_matrix_output
- Added store_centers parameter to the floor_coordinate command. This allows storing
magnet centers in variables for use in optimization.
- Added profile parameter to the run_setup command, allowing output of (ρ,K1,K2,K3)
as a function of s.
- Added fse_units parameter to the chromaticity and correct_tunes command, allowing
output of the matrices in possibly more convenient form.
- The load_parameters command now supports wild-cards in the ElementName data. If
present, all matching elements are loaded with the same values.
13.1.3 Changes Specific to the MPI Parallel Version
- Fixed a bug when using the find_aperture command in optimization_mode=1, which
caused the program to crash or halt.
13.1.4 Changes to Related Programs and Files
The elegant distribution includes many programs and scripts that perform computations with elegant
output data, provide interfaces with other programs, or prepare data for use with elegant. These are
listed in Section 8.
Changes to these tools in this release include
- curvedDipoleFringeCalc now computes the lengths of edge drifts needed to keep the vertex
point fixed. It also takes most configuration data from the particle output file created by